A look at how the City of Baltimore successfully used principles of our targeted universalism (TU) framework to provide annual vision screenings for students and free eyeglasses. |
This latest report profiles the Vision for Baltimore (V4B) program which uses defining features of TU, even while the program itself was not designed through a deliberate application of the TU framework. V4B is a targeted strategy that helped students who were not getting vision screenings and the follow-up care they needed. At the same time, the program helped students who were failed by existing systems, as the resources were made available to everyone and ended up serving even more students.
Conference proceeds coming soon!
As you may know we hosted our 3-day Othering & Belonging Conference in Oakland late last month with more than 1,800 people in attendance. We're currently working on getting all our footage edited and will soon be sharing some high quality video clips of the different panels. We'll also have many photos from our beautiful gathering, and some testimonials left by attendees in our post-conference survey, and other resources to share with you all.
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Last month The Los Angeles Review of Books launched an essay series led by Osagie Obasogie, who is an OBI faculty scholar in Public Health, and the Haas Distinguished Chair and Professor of Law at UC Berkeley, which explores the history of eugenics and the ways it shapes our present. Osagie's introductory essay, "Legacies of Eugenics," is now live, with many more articles soon to be published by leading thinkers in the field (we'll be including those pieces in future newsletters). This essay series is being supported by the Center for Genetics and Society, Berkeley Public Health, and our own institute.
An offering from our community
Enroll in "Theater for Social Change: Acts of Bridging & Belonging," an in-person summer workshop at UC Berkeley that explores OBI frameworks through collaborative, interdisciplinary performance. The workshop is open to students and the general public and begins July 1st — so enroll soon! The brilliant Chelsea Gregory leads the workshop; she is a member of the Belonging Resident Company and a lecturer in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. Click here to learn more and register and email chelseagregory@berkeley.edu if you have any questions.
Check out our merch store for OBI swag
We're always adding new stuff to our swag catalog. We've got beanies and all types of clothing, posters, bags, mugs, and more. Visit our shop here. |
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Othering & Belonging Institute University of California, Berkeley 460 Stephens Hall Tel: 510-642-3326 Berkeley, CA 94720 United States
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