Catch us this week at Bioneers! |
We at OBI invite you to join us at Bioneers 2023, which begins tomorrow! (Use the 20% off discount code "OBI20" to register) |
Since 1990, the Bioneers Conference has served as a trellis on which this visionary movement of movements has grown and grown together around authentic “solve-the-whole problem” solutions. As we roll into our 34th annual conference, the big wheels of massive change are turning. Together, we’ll join forces with the Bioneers community of leadership in this time when we’re all called upon to be leaders. Read more about the Bioneers Conference in this 48Hills news article, which features an interview with Director powell.
In addition to the talks, we also encourage you to sign up for an East Bay Solidarity Tour, designed specifically for Bioneers Conference attendees. The tour invites participants to learn and to interact with the people behind local movements in the East Bay and celebrate the vibrant cultural history and ever-developing landscape of the East Bay. Learn more about the tour here.
Blog: Latino Studies Stagnation
We just published an article by faculty cluster member G. Cristina Mora, incoming professor Nicholas Vargas, and Berkeley undergraduate Dominic Cedillo about their new research showing a stagnation of Latino Studies Programs at universities across the United States. Their research shows that investments in Latino Studies programs have not kept pace with Latino student enrollment in higher education. According to their data, only 89 of the nation’s 2,600+ four-year higher education institutions currently offer a Latina/o/x Studies major. Click here to read their story.
Blog: Equity vs. Equality. What's the Difference?
Do you ever get confused between the terms equity and equality? Check out this new blog post by Assistant Director Stephen Menendian which goes through the history of equality, and how it morphed in recent decades into equity. In a nutshell, he writes "equality means that the law and government treats everyone the same, irrespective of their status or identity. Equity means that, in some circumstances, people need to be treated differently in order to provide meaningful equality of opportunity." Click here to dive deeper.
Article: Forging a Progressive Response to Fragmentation
In this new article published in Nonprofit Quarterly, OBI Director john a. powell and Democracy & Belonging Forum program director Sara Grossman discuss why social movements must balance the pursuit of long-term visions with bridge-building work that can strengthen threatened democratic institutions. Check it out here.
Article: The Psychology Behind Authoritarian Populist Discourse
"With a stern expression and an authoritative voice, British Home Office Secretary Suella Braverman tells us, 'enough is enough. We must stop the boats'." Read this new article, titled, "Enough is Enough: The Psychology Behind Authoritarian Populist Discourse," by researcher Míriam Juan-Torres González from our Europe-based Democracy & Belonging Forum.
Belonging: A Weekly Practice Facilitator Guide
We just published this new Facilitator Guide which brings together the key ways that we created the container for Belonging: A Weekly Practice (BAWP). If you didn't know, BAWP is our weekly Monday gathering which mixes reflection, movement and critical inquiry to stretch our own understandings and applications of belonging. This new guide aims at shining light on our efforts in order to allow you to consider them for your adoption or adaptation. Download the guide here, and learn more about BAWP here.
Event: Challenging Misconceptions and Building Bridges
Join us on Tuesday, April 18 for our next event in the ongoing series (Un)Common Threads, where we'll explore the myths and realities of the intergenerational divide with civic leaders from Europe and the US. They'll discuss lessons learned through research and on the ground: What is accurate and what are misconceptions of how we understand different generations? Can we really speak of “generations”? How critical is it that older generations understand younger generations, and the other way around? And how do we build these bridges? Click here to register.
Event: Bridging Towards a Just, Inclusive, Pluralistic Democracy
Our society is at a crossroads. Strong sentiments of isolation, exhaustion, and despair from a multi-year global pandemic, increasing economic inequality, and growing toxic polarization foster a sense of doom and gloom. Join us for a virtual event on April 19 as we explore what it means to bridge in a way that builds empathy and understanding while centering justice and our common humanity. Click here to register.
Podcast: The Edges in the Middle, I, feat. Báyò Akómoláfé and john a. powell
The media organization and non profit For The Wild is hosting a podcast series, titled, The Edges in the Middle (which is separate from the video series with the same name featured in the entry above), in collaboration with OBI. In the first of these conversations, Báyò Akómoláfé speaks with OBI Director john a. powell. Check it out here.
Event: Why We Need to Build and Bridge We invite you to join us for an evening of rich discussion on bridging differences.
Please join us on Tuesday, April 25 at 7:15pm for this important, in-person discussion at UC Berkeley's Chevron Auditorium, featuring Eboo Patel, who was our former Senior Fellow. Eboo, who heads Interfaith America, will share what he has learned bridging differences to create a more just and inclusive society. After his talk, Patel will be joined by OBI director john a. powell, and Allison Briscoe-Smith, a senior fellow at the Greater Good Science Center and the co-instructor of our popular online course, Bridging Differences.
Pick up some of our stuff!
We have so much cool stuff in our swag store we know you're going to love! Posters, clothing, bags, mugs, and more! Visit our shop here! |
OBI Director john a. powell is cited in this New York Times opinion piece, titled, "America Is in a Disgraced Class of Its Own." It mentions Targeted Universalism, a policy approach which was recently adopted by the Biden Administration in its plan to reduce homelessness.
- Separately, Director powell was featured in this recent story in 48Hills about the upcoming Bioneers Conference, titled, "34th annual Bioneers conference will tap young and old for big answers."
A new study co-authored by faculty scholar Rachel Morello-Frosch is covered in this Berkeley News story, titled, "Black, Latinx Californians face highest exposure to oil and gas wells."
New research by faculty scholar Michael Reich (a leading authority on the economics of minimum wage) is covered in this DailyCal story, titled, "Berkeley study finds minimum wage increase not linked to disemployment," as well as in this San Francisco Chronicle story, titled, "Increased minimum wages may benefit small businesses, study co-authored at UC Berkeley finds."
Othering & Belonging Institute, University of California, Berkeley | Privacy Policy 2022 Copyright © Othering & Belonging Institute. All rights reserved. |
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