CA Reparations Taskforce Resources Now Housed at OBI |
We've just unveiled a new hub with resources from the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans. |
The California Reparations Task Force is a history-making effort by the state of California to study the legacy of slavery on African Americans and to develop proposals for reparations.
On this new page we have gathered the complete collection of presentations and testimonies given before the California Reparations Task Force, which have been organized by topic because we think teachers, students, researchers, community activists and others will find incredible value in these videos and written statements. Taken as a whole, they shed light on the deep structural inequalities in America and illustrate how ongoing reparations efforts are necessary to address racial disparities.
Former OBI Artist-in-Residence Alphabet Rockers win Grammy!
Last month the Alphabet Rockers, who were OBI's 2021 Artist-in-Residence, won a Grammy Award for Best Children's Music Album. The group wrote the winning album, titled, "The Movement," during their residency, and can be heard giving a shout-out to OBI in the acceptance speech.
Do you have connections with Africa-based organizations? Helps us spread the word!
Our Global Justice Program is looking for African organizations that are working on climate, agri-food, and environmental issues to participate in a survey on their efforts. The goal of the survey is to establish relationships with African environmental organizations, and to learn about their missions, approaches, challenges, and needs. The survey is running until March 7, and the information and data collected will allow us to identify shared visions, objectives, needs, and areas of meaningful collaboration. We invite you to share this survey with your networks, to post on social media, or to email us recommendations for organizations to connect with.
Survey Link: للنسخة العربية، الرجاء الضغط هنا
Pour la version française cliquez ici. |
Event: What if Justice is Getting in the Way?
Bayo Akomolafe's most recent essay on the limits of Black excellence and the risks of recognition forces strange considerations: what does a politics based on the rehabilitation of Black bodies and their subsequent inclusion leave out of focus? In what ways might Blackness exceed the conditions of its violent formulation? What if justice gets in the way of the transformations we yearn for? Join us Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST / 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CET) for our next event in the ongoing series The Edges in the Middle, where scholar and activist Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor and Global Senior Fellow Bayo Akomolafe will explore Black identity, Black excellence, and the limits of seeking inclusion.
Pick up some of our stuff!
We have so much cool stuff in our swag store we know you're going to love! Posters, clothing, bags, mugs, and more! Visit our shop here! |
We are pleased to announce that Professor Eric Stanley has been appointed the next Haas Distinguished Chair in LGBTQ Citizenship. Professor Stanley is Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Pedagogy in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. They are a prolific and creative author and filmmaker, and a leader on campus and in the LGBTQ Citizenship Cluster. Director john powell and Associate Director Denise Herd want to express their excitement for Professor Stanley and their gratitude to previous chair, Professor Sonia Katyal, for her leadership and vision. Learn more about Professor Stanley's work here.
Faculty cluster member Sonia Katyal, who is the Chancellor's Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology Berkeley Law School, has just received a Dukeminier award for her recent writing on gender, sexuality and AI, which was written with an undergraduate student at Berkeley, Jessica Jung. This is the third time her articles have received a Dukeminier award. Congratulations Sonia!
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Othering & Belonging Institute University of California, Berkeley 460 Stephens Hall Tel: 510-642-3326 Berkeley, CA 94720 United States If you no longer want to receive our emails click (Unsubscribing is not supported in previews). |