'Practices to create belonging in the context of othering'
Today we are thrilled to launch Cultures of Care, a project initiated in the fall of 2020 to the backdrop of the pandemic, deepening economic inequality, popular uprisings and other dramatic events. But in the midst of these multiple crises, we also witnessed beautiful interventions and practices that centered an ethos of collective care. Cultures of Care celebrates those practices and the people behind them.
We invite you to learn more about this project by visiting the fresh new website, and registering for our launch event featuring the project's architects and other care practitioners, happening next Monday, April 4.
And check out the project's video teaser below! |
Happening Today!
Don't forget to tune in TODAY, at 11am PT, to hear from three brilliant authors who have helped create reports on local histories in the San Francisco Bay Area and Hartford, Connecticut. They will not only share their stories, but also share their processes and methods. We will also get into the nuts and bolts of how to create your own histories, how to find data, and how to collaborate for greater impact. Register here.
Video: How to use our interactive segregation mapping tool
We've also just released a new instructional video that shows users how to use our interactive segregation mapping tool which was released last year as part of our Roots of Structural Racism project. The mapping tool allows users to view the levels of segregation anywhere in the US from census tracts to larger metropolitan regions, and observe changes to segregation over time. The mapping tool has so many functions that may be confusing if you're using it for the first time, but our new instructional video guides users through it all so they can navigate it with ease. Watch the video here.
Share your thoughts on federal policy reform!
Do corporations have too much power in society? Should student loans be forgiven? What about medical debt? What should we do about the minimum wage? We'd love to know what your thoughts are on these questions and many more by filling out our new survey. The survey is designed to help us think about how to better align federal policy to the reality of local needs.
Please help us spread the word by sharing this survey with your policy advocacy and organizing networks across the US and globally! The survey will remain open until Friday, April 1. Click here to access the survey. |
Happening Tomorrow!
Join us for a conversation tomorrow, March 31 at 4pm PT, about how religion has shaped responses to Covid-19 in the United States, including both the impact of the pandemic on religious communities, ideas of health and wellness, and the relationship between law and religious freedom, over the past couple of years. Register here.
Othering & Belonging Institute University of California, Berkeley 460 Stephens Hall Tel: 510-642-3326 Berkeley, CA 94720 United States |
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