Institute Director john a. powell was interviewed for this article in Berkeley News, titled, “To end white supremacy, attack racist policy, not people,” and was quoted in this separate Berkeley News story, titled, “For UC Berkeley, Inauguration Day means celebration at an otherwise dark time.”
Director powell was also interviewed for this article in the San Francisco Chronicle, titled, "Kamala Harris’ inauguration offers counterpoint to insurrection," and was featured along with Assistant Director Stephen Menendian in this article in The Hill, titled, “Voting rights groups see gerrymandering as potent threat.”
You can also hear Director powell in this interview on KALW, titled, "Finding Common Ground Post Trump," and this KQED interview, titled, "Racism Long a Plague Within Capitol Police Force."
Additionally, read this group interview with Black faculty and staff which features Director powell, and is moderated by our faculty coordinator Takiyah Franklin, in Cal Alumni Magazine, titled, "How to Make Black Lives Matter at Berkeley."
Faculty scholar Janelle Scott was interviewed for this article in Berkeley News, titled, “Berkeley scholars: Here’s what Biden should accomplish right away.”
Faculty scholar Michael Reich's research was featured in this article in VICE, titled, “New Study Finds Chicago Uber and Lyft Drivers Are Paid Below Minimum Wage.”
Staff researcher Basima Sisemore was quoted in this article in ABC News, titled, “How Inauguration Day celebrated firsts and historic and inclusive moments.”
Faculty scholar Seth Holmes co-authored a new essay published this week in The BMJ blog, titled, "Iatrogenesis and harm in covid-19—when medical care ignores social forces."
Faculty scholar Henry Brady was interviewed for this article in the DailyCal, titled, “‘Our fragile democracy has prevailed’: Berkeley community reacts to Joe Biden’s inauguration.” Separately, Brady was interviewed for this article in ABC 7 News, titled, “'Solve the COVID problem first': UC Berkeley dean says Joe Biden's top priority must be coronavirus.” He is also quoted in this story in Berkeley News, titled, “Across America, trust is falling apart. Can it be rebuilt?”
Research by faculty scholar David Card was featured in this article in Quartz, titled, “Is the US ready to unify around a $15 minimum wage?”
Faculty scholar Jesse Rothstein was interviewed for this article in the DailyCal, titled, “UC awards $19M in grants, funds 4 UC Berkeley projects.”
Faculty scholar Tianna Paschel was interviewed for this article in the DailyCal, titled, “UC Berkeley's African American studies department receives $2.8M grant.”
Faculty scholar Ian Haney Lopez was interviewed for this article in CNN, titled, “Here's why experts and lawmakers say you can't compare Black Lives Matter protesters to the US Capitol mob.”