Faculty scholar Michael Reich was quoted by multiple outlets, including the Washington Post, CNBC, The American Prospect, the International Business Times, and the Los Angeles Times, about his new research showing the positive outcomes of a proposed $15/hour minimum wage.
Faculty scholar Cristina Mora was interviewed for this article in the Los Angeles Times, titled, “COVID-19 relief is top priority for California voters, poll finds.” She was interviewed on the same topic in Berkeley News, in an article titled, “IGS Poll Berkeley conversation: voter opinions on the Biden Administration, the vaccine rollout, and Governor Newsom.”
Faculty scholar Emmanuel Saez was quoted in this article in The Hill, titled, “Biden wants to fix income inequality — here's how he can do it.”
Assistant Director Stephen Menendian was quoted in this article posted to Street Blog SF, titled, “SPUR Talk: The Racist Roots of Single-Family Zoning.” He was also interviewed for this article in The Daily Californian, titled, “Capitol riots: A broader symbol of ethno-nationalism across the globe.”
Faculty scholar Hilary Hoynes was interviewed for this article in the Los Angeles Times, titled, “Overlooked in Biden's COVID-19 proposal: A push to cut child poverty in half.”
Faculty scholar Henry Brady was interviewed for this article in Greater Good Magazine, titled, “How Can We Rebuild Trust in the U.S.?” He was also interviewed for this article in The Daily Californian, titled, “UC Berkeley deans discuss social media disinformation.”
Faculty scholar Christopher Kutz wrote this book review for the LA Review of Books, titled, “Meritocracy and Its Discontents: The View from Outside Harvard Yard.”
Faculty scholar Lisa Garcia Bedolla was interviewed for this article in KQED, titled, “Deconstructing the 'Latino Vote': Myths, Realities and Missed Opportunities.” She was also interviewed for this article in The Daily Californian, titled, “UC Berkeley sees record number of underrepresented graduate applicants.”
Faculty scholar Nancy Scheper-Hughes was cited in this editorial in the Los Angeles Times, titled, “The real way UC Berkeley can make up for disrespect toward Native Americans.”
Faculty scholar Jesse Rothstein was interviewed for this article in Reuters, titled, “Under Biden order, workers refusing unsafe work could stay on unemployment aid.”