The Impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Free Trade in California

What are the consequences if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passes? According to a report we published earlier this year, "The TPP’s nuanced provisions will give corporations the power to evade environmental regulations, bypass national courts and override governments, and control workers’ movements throughout the TPP countries." Co-author Elsadig Elsheikh, our Global Justice Program Director was recently a guest on 89.3 KPCC radio discussing the TPP along with guests Jock O’Connell, an international trade adviser for Beacon Economics, Michael Camuñez, president and CEO of ManattJones Global Strategies, and Ilse Metchek, president of the California Fashion Association. Listen to the segment.

Next Week! Thinking Ahead with Jim Pugh and Chris Benner
Join us for the next event in our discussion series where we will hear from Jim Pugh and Chris Benner on the "universal basic income" and how it can be used to tackle toxic economic inequality. This event will be emceed by Claudia Jimenez, a community organizer, and Mark Gomez of the Haas Institute. Get the details and RSVP here. Check out past Thinking Ahead events with Paul Pierson and Steve Phillips.
Our Statement on the Berkeley Global Campus Suspension
UC Berkeley recently announced the suspension of the Berkeley Global Campus, a major development project in Richmond, California, citing deep financial constraints faced by the university as the root cause for their decision. For the past three years, we have been deeply involved in working directly with the Richmond community and UC Berkeley to help develop a model for this major development project that had fairness, equity, and community benefits centered in every stage of its planning. Read our public statement on our work with Richmond and the Berkeley Global Campus.
Trump, The Tea Party, The Republicans and the Other
"Othering is at the heart of populism. The essence of populism is a group antipathy, profoundly felt, toward perceived elites. It is their opposition to the elites, the Other, that gives a populist movement its identity; the movement is defined by its opposition to the Other," wrote Lawrence Rosenthal in "Trump, the Tea Party, the Republicans, and the Other." The article examines the rise of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the complicated way he manages to stay on top despite working against everything he claims to stand for. Read the article.
Racial Politics Director Ian Haney López was the first guest on the new Politically Re-Active podcast hosted by W. Kamau Bell & Hari Kondabolu. Dicussing dog whistle politics, a framework that is used to talk about coded political language that only certain groups can hear, they discussed how dog whistles influenced this current political climate and the impact it is having on the current presidential election. Listen to the podcast.
Thinking Ahead Discussion Series
Universal Basic Income: Is this the way we can tackle extreme inequality?
with Jim Pugh and Chris Benner
September 13, 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Citizen Engagement Lab, Oakland, CA
RSVP: haasinstitute.berkeley.edu/thinkingahead
Surreal Politics: How Anxiety About Race, Gender, and Inequality Is Shaping the 2016 Presidential Campaign
September 23, 7:00 p.m.
Alumni House Toll Room, UC Berkeley
An examination of how anxiety about race, gender and inequality is shaping the presidential campaign will be made in a panel discussion, “Surreal Politics.” Panelists include Henry Brady, dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, Jonathan Stein, UC Berkeley alumnus and civil rights attorney, Sarah Anzia, a political scientist, and Jack Glaser, a social psychologist and Goldman faculty member. Tickets are required. More information.
Politics Unusual: Will 2016's Surging Outsiders Finally Make America Multipartisan?
October 01, 10:30 am
155 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Tensions and anxieties in the 2016 presidential campaign have led many to question the current state of the two-party system in America. Join Henry Brady, dean of the Goldman School, Lisa Garcia Bedolla, a professor in the Graduate School of Education, and Bill Whalen, a research fellow at Stanford University, as they ponder whether political “outsiders” will make America multipartisan. More information.
Inclusive Democracy Track at the Facing Race National Conference
November 10–12, Atlanta, GA
We are pleased to partner with Race Forward and the Center for Social Inclusion on the "Inclusive Democracy” track at the Facing Race National Conference, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia. Workshops and panels in the Inclusive Democracy track will feature innovative policies, practices, research, and narratives that support governing for racial equity. Read more. Attend the conference.
The Othering & Belonging Journal

This new forum is one expression of our vision. We believe building a world where we recognize and work to meet the needs of all people requires that we promote Belonging and impede Othering. We hope this new forum will help establish a broad analytic framework that enables us all to better understand and more effectively challenge Othering as it shapes our personal and social realities. We also hope this publication will help break down boundaries between academic research, policy analysis, and engaged practice, and promote more robust collaboration among them.
Read and share the first issue. Contribute to the next issue.
Home with a Purpose, A History of the Safe Return Project
How did a group of formerly incarcerated people develop the power and capacity to lead an effort that made Contra Costa County the only county in California to reject a proposed jail expansion? This report answers these questions and offers an in-depth analysis of the Richmond-based Safe Return Project, including challenges, successes, and key lessons from the the formation, development, and impact of the organization.
Work with Us
There are openings for graduate positions at the Haas Institute. Deadlines vary, so please check the details. Learn more.