On Friday, September 21, the Haas Institute is hosting Towards Equity in Policy and Pedagogy, to highlight a new series of policy briefs produced by our faculty research clusters. Publications to be released and discussed at the event include:
- State of Change: State-level Actions to Protect the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and their Children
- Realizing a More Inclusive Electorate: Identity, Knowledge, Mobilization
- Diversity and Health Disparities
- Creating Bathroom Access and a Gender Inclusive Society
- Religious Diversity: Historical Narrative: A Teaching Tool
In addition, the following two previously-released publications will also be discussed:
- Responding to Rising Inequality: Policy Interventions to Ensure Opportunity for All
- Responding to Educational Inequality: Addressing Race and Social Class Disparities to Increase Opportunity
The event will feature presentations and a panel discussion with UC Berkeley faculty and researchers, including: Karen Barkey, Joshua Clark, Denise Herd, Hilary Hoynes, Sonia Katyal, Taeku Lee, Jovan Lewis, Mahasin Mujahid, Karen Nakamura, Osagie Obasogie, john a. powell, Janelle Scott, and more. Find all event details here. This event is free and open to the public, RSVP required: get tickets here.
New Blog Series
On Racialized Space and Belonging in the "Imagined Community"
Haas Institute writer Sara Grossman kicks off a new fall blog series with a look at the spatial dimensions of race. Phenomena this series will focus on include an examination of how space, including both public and private, have been made to “belong” to whites. In this four-part series, Sara will explore why white people use calls to police and other government agencies, such as ICE, as extensions of their own perceived "right" to space, utilizing this as tools of power and exclusion against people of color. In this first piece, Sara begins with the story of Thomas Kanewakeron Gray and Lloyd Skanahwati Gray, two Native American brothers who had the police called on them during a college tour by a white mother who believed they didn't "belong." "In this case, and in many other instances of the police being called for mundane or bogus reasons, the privilege of deeming 'who belongs' in shared public spaces is not one bestowed upon those who are most often the target of such calls—people of color," Sara writes.
Read "On Racialized Space and Belonging," part one of our new series.
Now Out
Othering & Belonging Issue 3
The third issue of our Othering & Belonging journal is now available online. Explore the issue, including articles and contributions such as:
Explore Othering & Belonging.
Haas Institute program manager Eli Moore spoke on a panel at the ArtPlace 2018 Annual Summit in Louisville about how arts and culture can play a role in anti-displacement strategies. Moore spoke alongside Richmond artist Sasha Graham, a fellow in the Staying Power program, an arts, policy, and participatory action research fellowship. Graham and Moore discussed the motivations and philosophies behind the Staying Power fellowship, as well as the takeaways from the experience.
Nicole Montojo, a housing research analyst at the Haas Institute, was interviewed for a story in the Daily Cal last month about rising rent prices, gentrification, and displacement in Berkeley. “If housing is unaffordable, the people that are most affected are low-income communities of color. A stratified labor market and a lot of high-income jobs aren’t accessible to Blacks and Latinos, and it’s connected to a history of discrimination,” the story quotes her as saying. Read the piece here.
Taeku Lee, member of our Diversity and Democracy research cluster, was quoted in a New York Times article, “A Census Question That Could Change How Power Is Divided in America," about a contentious new question about citizenship status on the 2020 census. Although the Trump administration argues this data will allow the Justice Department to enforce the Voting Rights Act, critics like Lee see it as a purely political move that "would provide the data to allow states to implement a redefinition of ‘the people.’”
Ian Haney López, Senior Fellow at the Haas Institute, co-authored an article published in The Washington Post entitled, "The answer to GOP dog whistles? Democrats should talk more about race, not less." López and co-author Anat Shenker-Osorio critique the view that Democrats should avoid "identity politics" in their campaigns. "In empirical testing, we found that Democrats can prevail by telling a story that ties together race and class, calling out the right’s exploitation of racial anxiety as a tactic to divide and distract," the authors write.
Eli Moore was interviewed for a story in the San Francisco Public Press in which he talked about the need to distinguish between housing speculation and "productive" renovation. “If somebody buys the home and makes a bunch of improvements on it and then sells it, is that speculation or is that a productive business activity that uses available capital to improve the housing stock?,” he said. He added that it might be possible to structure tax law in a way that distinguishes between pure speculation and more productive activity. Read more here.
Research co-authored by Emmanuel Saez, member of our Economic Disparities research cluster, was featured in a Vox.com article on why income inequality is so much worse in the US compared to Europe. "The income-inequality trajectory observed in the United States is largely due to massive educational inequalities, combined with a tax system that grew less progressive despite a surge in top labor compensation since the 1980s, and in top capital incomes in the 2000s," writes Saez and his co-authors in their piece.
Research by economist and chair of the Haas Institute Economic Disparities cluster Hilary Hoynes was featured in a Bloomberg article about why work requirements can hurt poor people.
Haas Institute Director john a. powell was featured on the latest episode of the Arthur Brooks Show, a podcast produced by Vox Media and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Arthur Brooks, president of AEI, spoke with john about moral consensus, or the necessity of a moral core around which our debates must revolve. "We tend to demonize people who think differently than us...without even spending time to say, 'How did you even get there?'" powell said. Listen to the podcast.
Sept. 14 - 15: "Reading Matters." This two-day workshop at UC Berkeley, co-sponsored by the Haas Institute, will provide the opportunity to work closely with professors and graduate students to explore alternative modes of reading through intensive seminars with four faculty instructors. More event info here.
Sept. 20: "Navigating Borders and Violence: Indigenous Maya Families and Central American Children in Migration." Come hear from Patricia Baquedano-López from the Graduate School of Education at UC Berkeley speak on "Pedagogies of Migration/Reframing: What It Means to Teach and Learn from Indigenous Maya Families from Yucatán in California." More about the event here.
Sept. 21: The Haas Institute is hosting a half-day public event to highlight the work of our affiliated faculty and to discuss a new series of policy briefs from their work. Learn more about this event here.
April 8 - 10, 2019: The 2019 Othering & Belonging Conference will be in Oakland. Visit the conference website for all info related to the conference.
See all upcoming and past events here.
April 8–10, 2019 is the next Othering & Belonging Conference, to be held again in Oakland—registration opens in September and will be announced in the enewsletter. This video montage of the 2017 conference showcases the conference experience. We hope to see you at the 2019 conference! Pictured above: Keynote speaker Kumi Naidoo, former executive director of Greenpeace and currently the Secretary General of Amnesty International.
The Haas Institute is looking to fill several student and staff positions:
Find all our job openings posted on this page.