UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion Gibor Basri, Haas Cluster Chair Na'ilah Nasir, john a. powell, and Michael Omi were among 125 leaders who signed an open letter, widely promoted in the Washington Post, asking President Obama: "What will happen once the furor over Ferguson dies down?"
#BeyondFerguson specifically requests the President act to end the militarization of local police forces and to establish community-centered policing nationwide, especially in low-income neighborhoods. Read and download the letter.
Haas Institute research assistant Stephanie Llanes writes that there are three fights we must win in Ferguson and the United States: taking money out of politics; ending racial and economic segregation; and ending violence against all people, especially the oppressed. Read Stephanie's blog.
Writing about the the recent police shooting in Ferguson, and subsequent protests, Haas Institute Communications Fellow Sara Grossman writes about the structural roots and unconscious mental biases that fuel ongoing police violence. Read Sara's blog.
The Governmental Alliance on Racial Equity has a new video highlighting its August Twin Cities convening.
Watch the #racialequityMN video.
The Haas Institute’s Opportunity Enrollment Model was recently cited in an Inside Higher Ed article focusing on approaches to increasing diversity in higher education. Traditional “merit based” methods of college admissions, like SAT scores, benefit the socioeconomically advantaged. Other approaches like affirmative action programs seek to compensate the historically disadvantaged. Although universities cannot consider the race of an individual college applicant in an admissions decision, race-neutral means–like socioeconomic and geographic diversity–can be considered. Universities can also generally consider an applicant's high school or neighborhood demographics, and focus recruitment activities.
The Haas Institute’s Opportunity Enrollment Model uses multiple factors to identify geographic communities that can be targeted for increased enrollment, based on their neighborhood lacking opportunities. Characteristics such as the poverty rate, job growth rate, proximity to jobs, and public space could be used as an alternative to increase racial diversity.
Haas Institute assistant director Stephen Menendian was recently quoted in an SF Weekly article exploring comparisons between Oakland, CA and Ferguson, MO. Stephen explains how "inner-ring" suburbs like Ferguson have become segregated–potential powder kegs–as capital and opportunity leave for "outer-ring" suburbs and gentrifying cities.
The Seattle Times quoted Haas Institute director john a. powell in a recent article about increased poverty in suburbs compared to cities. As of 2000, over half of the U.S. population lives in suburbs. As more poor people are forced from cities, opportunities like jobs and quality housing, keep moving further away.
Haas Institute Director john a. powell was interviewed by Democracy Now! and discussed the Ferguson, MO police shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. john talks about implicit bias, the structural conditions which have resulted in the hyperpolicing of the Black community, and the connections and resonance between the infamous Dred Scott case and today. Watch john's interview.