
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding another Othering & Belonging Conference in 2017 from April 30 to May 2. Following the success of our first conference, this will be a larger and more inclusive event. There will be keynote addresses, plenary panels, workshops, and welcoming spaces for people from many backgrounds and walks of life to share, learn, explore, and brainstorm solutions to some of our most pressing issues, together.
Sign up for our mailing list to find out information about registration dates, agenda, speakers, and more at conference.otheringandbelonging.org
Lessons Learned: 20th Anniversary of Welfare Reform
Late last month, our Economic Disparities chair and research cluster member Hilary Hoynes moderated a panel entitled: "Work and Poverty" at a convening about the 20th anniversary of welfare reform. This panel was part of a series that reflected on the effects of welfare reform twenty years later. Hoynes is a well-known expert on entitlement programs such as EITC and SNAP and was previously invited to the White House to discuss these programs and their results with President Obama. The other panels at this event, hosted by the University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research and the Center on Children and Families at Brookings, covered child well-being and marriage and families. Watch the panels.
Recent Webinar Introduced our New Inclusiveness Index
The first annual report of the Index, released last week, featured findings and overarching themes that capture broader issues of inclusion or exclusion and features findings on 138 countries as well as an additional map and rankings for all 50 US states.
This report represents the Institute’s efforts to measure and more deeply understand the dynamics of inclusion and group-based marginality within the United States and across the globe. The report holistically examines the experiences of groups across a range of social dimensions, including gender, race/ethnicity, religion, disability, and sexual orientation.
In a webinar held last Wednesday, the three co-authors went through some of the findings from the report, as well as why the six non-economic core indicators were chosen and how the datasets were used to help calculate rankings of inclusivity. Watch the webinar. Download the report.
Implicit Bias in the Presidential Election
"Results based on [implicit] these can undermine our conscious desire for fairness, but they are not insurmountable," said director john a. powell in a recent op-ed on the Huffington Post. powell explains that while implicit bias is prevalent, is should not be equated with racism, as they are different. It is human nature to have biases, but not to marginalize people because of them. powell makes it clear that "facts are not necessary for implicit bias" which is why stereotypes (mental shortcuts based on perceptions rather than evidence) carry weight when the brain needs to make a quick decision. But progress can still be made because "understanding the role of implicit bias in our national psyche is something that does affect all Americans and having public conversations [...] is both powerful and promising. Read the article.
Adopting a Lens for Racial Equity: A Q&A with Rinku Sen
The Government Alliance on Race and Equity of the Haas Institute hosted a conversation and Q&A with author, activist, and director of social justice organization Race Forward, Rinku Sen. During the hour talk with emcee Dwayne Marsh, Rinku discussed the steps government workers and organizations can take to adopt a lens of racial equity to create a “functional, inclusive, compassionate, equitable government.” Focusing on the nuances and ensuing complications of current race issues in the United States, Rinku emphasized the need to build in and with local communities and find allies by explicitly naming race problems, rather than adopting political correctness, and finding solutions that integrate racial equity into an institution’s infrastructure. Watch the video.
Immigration law and criminal law have trapped millions of individuals in a space marked by an inflexible and "lesser" status that prohibits the members of these groups from engaging in civic life or sharing in the rights and benefits generally made available through public and private sources. This resource guide is a menu of inclusive policies and practices undergirded by personal perspectives from those most affected. Download the resource guide.
Music, Race, Popular Culture
October 17, 5:00 p.m.
Morrison Reading Room, 101 Doe Library at UC Berkeley
"Music, Race, Popular Culture" with Jeff Chang and Hua Hsu
The Art of Cultural Criticism is a yearlong series of conversations featuring some of the most innovative and incisive writers on culture in its various forms—including visual art, film, old and new media, music, and literature. More information.
Psychotherapy and Social Justice: A Dialogue on Othering and Belonging
October 29, 9:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m.
First Congregational Church of Berkeley
2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA
Professor john a. powell will share his ideas on race and identity in a keynote address at the Psychotherapy Institute. He will focus on "othering and belonging" as a framework for exploring core mind science concepts such as implicit bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat. Following his keynote, Drs. Regina Shields and Diane Swirsky will join Professor powell onstage for a dialogue that will add clinical and theoretical perspectives on race and "othering." Register for this event. More information.
Help Us Build Equitable and Inclusive Food Systems at UC Berkeley
Until Oct 31
The Berkeley Food Institute is participating in a Crowdfunding campaign for the Building Equitable and Inclusive Food Systems at UC Berkeley project. BFI is looking forward to building on the project's successful workshops in its first year to complete and publicize a comprehensive, interactive "Foodscape Map" that will identify all food-related organizations, people, and resources on campus. We hope the creation of this map and other activities will help advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in all campus food systems activities. Please share the link with the hashtag #InclusiveFoodatBerkeley.
The Convening: Advancing Racial Equity, The Role of Government and the Facing Race National Conference
Deadline to register is October 10th!
November 10th, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EST
Atlanta, GA
The Convening, occuring before the Facing Race National Conference, is an opportunity to learn more about the spreading movement to create an effective and inclusive democracy that centers racial equity. Space is limited! Register before Oct 10.
Additionally, we are pleased to partner with Race Forward and the Center for Social Inclusion on the "Inclusive Democracy” track at the Facing Race National Conference, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia on November 10–12. Workshops and panels in the Inclusive Democracy track will feature innovative policies, practices, research, and narratives that support governing for racial equity. Read more. Attend the conference.