Webinar to Introduce our New Inclusiveness Index
Our new Inclusiveness Index, a major new initiative that we have been developing over the last two years, will be launched next week. The Inclusiveness Index measures the global and national degree of inclusivity and marginality experienced by different groups based on such domains as gender, race/ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation, across societal settings and social cleavages.
"Our Inclusiveness Index is a diagnostic instrument that illustrates how different regions, states, and countries fare relative to each other in terms of inclusivity and marginality," said Assistant Director and co-author of the report Stephen Menendian. "Our aspiration is that the Haas Institute Inclusiveness Index may serve as a tool to identify places, policies, and interventions that have proven effective in promoting inclusivity, belonging and equity."
The first annual report of the Index, which will also be released next week, features findings and overarching themes that capture broader issues of inclusion or exclusion and features findings on 138 countries as well as an additional map and rankings for all 50 US states.
Join the authors of the report next Wednesday where they will introduce the new Inclusiveness Index and take questions in a live Q&A. Details of the webinar can be found here.
Lifetime Activist and Changemaker Gary Delgado Joins Haas Institute
Gary Delgado, a new Visiting Scholar at the Haas Institute, will bring years of organizing experience and a deep commitment to racial and social justice to his new role. Delgado has amassed an impressive portfolio of civil rights contributions and achievements, including as a campaign advisor, visiting professor, researcher, community organizer, founding director of the Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO) and later served as the founding director of the Applied Research Center, (now Race Forward) until 2007. In addition to his organizing work, Delgado has also been heavily involved in various academic pursuits, which he says has helped “develop intellectual ammunition for community groups involved in racial justice work.” Welcome Gary!
Thinking Ahead about a Universal Basic Income
Would a Universal Basic Income, a modest check from the government that everyone would receive, be a viable option to fight toxic inequality? That was the central question of our latest Thinking Ahead event with Jim Pugh and Chris Benner.
Professor Chris Benner argued that a UBI would ensure that everyone who contributed to the prosperity of the tech economy would be able to rise out of poverty, while Jim Pugh, a progressive activist and entrepreneur, suggested that passing a UBI would take significant organizing. Both agreed that UBI would need to be part of a broader set of forward-thinking policy initiatives. Jim stressed that the policy compliment this existing safety net. He noted, "the anti-poverty UBI becomes the backbone of a set of policies that allow people to get back on their feet." Download the presentation. See photos from the event on our Facebook page. Find out more about our Thinking Ahead series.
Native Youth & Admissions to the UC System: A Perspective from a UC Berkeley Native Staff Member and Alumni
Tomas WhiteAntelope, pictured far left, with Sherman Indian High School students outside near the quad area between the school and dorms.
In a new blog post, our staff member Tomas WhiteAntelope talks about how many promising young Native students were not admitted into the UC system, despite meeting the qualifications necessary for entry. Tomas recalls his own experience mentoring well-qualified students after working throughout his own educational experience, and noted the hope that they have to complete their studies at UC schools, yet were not admitted despite their strong candidacies. "I am disheartened by the shortsighted state policies that have cut funding and assistance to its public educational institutions, along with Prop. 209 which made it illegal to review an applicant’s background information like race, sex, or ethnicity. Affirmative Action policies were critical a few decades ago in helping increase diversity on college campuses nationwide." Read the entire blog post.
Reflections on Policing: Organizers in Five Communities Speak Out

In the midst of highly publicized, often lethal encounters between police officers and people of color in Ferguson, Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, New York, and elsewhere, as well as the increasing involvement of police in immigration enforcement mechanisms, a great many people have expressed serious concern about high levels of police activity and abuse in various communities. We asked prominent advocates from the Black Lives Matter, Native Lives Matter, LGBTQ, immigrant, and Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities about the state of organizing on policing and police accountability in those communities. Read what they had to say.
Race and Place
Darren Arquero, a Haas Institute research assistant, and Dwayne Marsh of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity, along with Humboldt State University student Malcolm Chanaiwa, were recently featured on a one-hour radio show in Humboldt County talking about race, place, and "creating a place where we all belong." Listen to the segment.
Positive economic report may not translate into ballot box impact
The US Census Bureau recently released a report acknowledging that the US economy has seen positive gains since Obama's presidency began, despite Republican remarks that the economy is worse. In a recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle, Director john a. powell noted that this fact, among others, won't matter to Trump's campaign. “Trump feeds off of people feeling bad, feeling angry. Then he says, ‘I can save you,’” noted powell. Jessica Bartholow of the Western Center on Law and Poverty in Sacramento added a caveat: “Even though poverty is decreasing, we haven’t seen the same rates of decline for people who are Black.” Read the article.

Home with a Purpose, A History of the Safe Return Project
How did a group of formerly incarcerated people develop the power and capacity to lead an effort that made Contra Costa County the only county in California to reject a proposed jail expansion? This report answers these questions and offers an in-depth analysis of the Richmond-based Safe Return Project, including challenges, successes, and key lessons from the formation, development, and impact of the organization.
The Othering & Belonging Journal

Our new print and online forum aims to establish a broad analytic framework in order to better understand and more effectively challenge Othering as it shapes our personal and social realities. We also hope to break down boundaries between academic research, policy analysis, and engaged practice, and promote more robust collaboration among them. Read and share the first issue.
Surreal Politics: How Anxiety About Race, Gender, and Inequality Is Shaping the 2016 Presidential Campaign
September 23, 7:00 p.m.
Alumni House Toll Room, UC Berkeley
How anxiety about race, gender and inequality is shaping the presidential campaign is the focus of a panel discussion entitled, “Surreal Politics.” Panelists include Henry Brady, dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, Jonathan Stein, UC Berkeley alumnus and civil rights attorney, Sarah Anzia, a political scientist, and Jack Glaser, a social psychologist and Goldman faculty member. Tickets are required. More information.
Politics Unusual: Will 2016's Surging Outsiders Finally Make America Multipartisan?
October 1, 10:30 a.m.
155 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Tensions and anxieties in the 2016 presidential campaign have led many to question the current state of the two-party system in America. Join Henry Brady, dean of the Goldman School, Lisa Garcia Bedolla, a professor in the Graduate School of Education, and Bill Whalen, a research fellow at Stanford University, as they ponder whether political “outsiders” will make America multipartisan. More information.
Food Regimes and Food Movements: the historical basis for transformation?
October 4, 5:00 p.m.
442 Stephens Hall, UC Berkeley
How do regimes and movements co-evolve from imperial, colonial and slave-based societies and what are the forms of resistance and the future challenges of the agrarian and agrofoods transition? This talk, led by Eric Holt-Gimenez, the Executive Director of Food First, will analyze the capitalist roots of racism, classism and sexism in the current food regime and the histories of resistance in the United States and abroad. More information.
Psychotherapy and Social Justice: A Dialogue on Othering and Belonging
October 29, 9:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m.
First Congregational Church of Berkeley
2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA
Professor john a. powell will share his ideas on race and identity in a keynote address at the Psychotherapy Institute. He will focus on "othering and belonging" as a framework for exploring core mind science concepts such as implicit bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat. Following his keynote, Drs. Regina Shields and Diane Swirsky will join Professor powell onstage for a dialogue that will add clinical and theoretical perspectives on race and "othering." Register for this event. More information.
Inclusive Democracy Track at the Facing Race National Conference
November 10–12, Atlanta, GA
We are pleased to partner with Race Forward and the Center for Social Inclusion on the "Inclusive Democracy” track at the Facing Race National Conference, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia. Workshops and panels in the Inclusive Democracy track will feature innovative policies, practices, research, and narratives that support governing for racial equity. Read more. Attend the conference.