Photos from "The Path to a Fair and Inclusive Society," held on September 10 in Washington, DC. Clockwise from top: UC Berkeley Professors Hilary Hoynes, right, and Michael Reich during panel discussion; White House Correspondent April Ryan moderated the panel discussion; Congressman Steven Horsford; Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Haas Institute Director john a. powell with panel.
WASHINGTON, DC–UC Berkeley professors brought research from the halls of academia to the halls of Congress.
On September 10, professors Hilary Hoynes, john a. powell and Michael Reich were joined by Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Steven Horsford for the launch of a new policy brief addressing rising economic inequality. The event was hosted by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, DC. White House Correspondent April Ryan moderated the panel.
Economic inequality is a defining issue for America's future. Income inequality has grown dramatically since the 1970s. That increasing inequality has not been matched with growing economic mobility. Rising inequality is not inevitable; however; here are six policies to end inequality.
Haas Institute researcher Elsadig Elsheikh, director of the Haas Institute's Global Justice Program, gave a lecture on food justice at UC Berkeley on September 10. Elsadig's talk focused on Africa and the current food crisis.
Haas Institute research Nadia Barhoum writes about the similar media narratives of the Black and Palestinian experiences following the recent police shooting of Michael Brown and the Israeli offensive on Gaza. Read Nadia's blog, "The Rhetoric of Racism."
Haas Institute Communications Fellow Sara Grossman writes about ongoing segregation in U.S. schools, despite the nation's public schools being "majority-minority." Read Sara's blog.
Haas Institute research assistant Stephanie Llanes writes that there are three fights we must win in Ferguson and the United States: taking money out of politics; ending racial and economic segregation; and ending violence against all people, especially the oppressed. Or else, we all die. Read Stephanie's blog.
Haas Institute Communications Fellow Sara Grossman writes about the underlying causes–implicit bias and structural marginalization– of the recent police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. Read Sara's blog.
Detroit might be the symbol of municipal distress in the minds of many, but there are plenty of cities experiencing the same conditions that triggered Detroit’s decline. A recent TIME magazine article, co-authored by Haas Institute Director john powell, highlights the Beyond Bankruptcy initiative and “A Plan to Fix all of America’s Detroits.”
Professor Rodney Hero receives 'Best Book' Award at APSA
The American Political Science Association’s (APSA) Latino Caucus recently honored UC Berkeley Political Science Professor Rodney Hero with the Best Book award. Prof. Hero, chair of Haas’ Diversity and Democracy Faculty Cluster, received the award for “Black-Latino Relations in U.S. National Politics: Beyond Conflict or Cooperation,” a book he co-authored with Robert R. Preuhs. He is currently president of APSA. Watch a 2013 book talk by Prof. Hero.
The Real News recently interviewed Haas Institute Director john a. powell. john discussed the political and economic interests behind the taxation and mass incarceration of Black communities. He notes how rural communities benefit economically as Black bodies are transported from urban communities to rural prisons, creating job opportunities in in those areas. Politically, the incarcerated are counted in rural areas, creating a false population boost which increases electoral college votes for rural areas. This results in less representation for urban communities from where the incarcerated come from. The incarcerated are disenfranchised and unable to vote. Watch The Real News' interview.