Haas Institute Director john powell spoke to a crowd of over 1,500 this past weekend at the Bioneers Conference. Kenny Ausubel, co-founder and CEO of Bioneers, wrote to us after john's talk: "john is a living light in the Bioneers community. His keynote at the Bioneers 25th Anniversary conference uniquely brought together the dimensions of class, race, identify, psychology, nature, law, and history as few do, or could do. He speaks with the quiet authority of a person whose deepest well is the love and compassion that can come only from the most profound sense of interbeing. john provides a compass of the heart and a map of the territory that invite and guide us to become our highest self as a species and an individual." john's Bioneers talk centered on the fear of the “Other”—a fear magnified by unstable contracting economies, radically shifting demographics, and new social norms. john posed the question "How can we structure society to acknowledge our deep connection?" john's presentation can be found on our website.
In his new blog post on the Berkeley Blog, Jonathan Simon makes the case for the approval of Prop. 47 in the upcoming California election. "Approving Prop. 47 is a simple and effective way for voters to take another step in leading California away from the moral precipice of mass incarceration," writes Prof. Simon, who is is a member of the Haas Institute Diversity and Democracy cluster and a professor at Berkeley Law. Read his piece on the Berkeley Blog.
Elsadig Elsheikh, director of the Haas Institute's Global Justice Program, led a webinar "Politics of the Developing World: Global Food System Crises & Opportunities" at the Automoous University of Barcelona on Oct. 20. The course materials, including Elsadig's presentation "Can Africa Survive the Food Crisis?", can be viewed and downloaded here.

Richard Rothstein's article The Making of Ferguson in The American Prospect examines public policy as the cause and potential solution to the systemic discrimination at the roots of the crisis in Ferguson, MO. Correction: In our Oct. 16 edition, we incorrectly referred to Richard Rothstein as "UC Berkeley Law Professor." Mr. Rothstein's correct title is Senior Fellow at the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law and Research Associate at the Economic Policy Institute.
This space in our e-newsletter is for events centered on topics, people, and movements embracing a fair and inclusive society. Email us if you'd like to add an event!

KPFA Berkeley and Marcus Books presents "john a. powell - The Path to A Fair and Inclusive Society: Seeing the Other In Me" at St. John's Presbyterian Church on Nov. 5 in Berkeley. Buy tickets

OCT 27 - NOV 1
Africa Week: Africans in Diaspora: Uniting Beyond Borders.
Organization of African Students at UC Berkeley. Opening Event on Oct 27 at 5:00 pm in Sproul Hall, UC Berkeley
Remembering Our Past, Building Our Future: American Indian Heritage Month Kick-Off Luncheon
UC Berkeley
2014 Family Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Dinner
An evening for undergraduates, alumni, and staff to celebrate the achievements of students and impact of EOP. Berkeley City Club
African Rural Women Speak!
Sponsored by UC Berkeley's Center for Research on Social Change, Berkeley Food Institute, Center for African Studies, Institute of International Studies. UC Berkeley
NOV. 11
Anne Braden Memorial Lecture
From Freedom Summer to Ferguson: Why We Need a New Culture of Belonging
Haas Institute Director john powell will give the annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture in U.S. civil rights movement history. University of Louisville, KY
NOV 13-15
Facing Race: A National Conference
A unique collaborative space for racial justice movement making, presented by Race Forward. Dallas, TX
Exploring Law, Disability, and the Challenge of Equality in Canada and the United States
Co-hosted by the Haas Institute Disability Studies Cluster and Diversity and Democracy Clusters, this event will bring together scholars to discuss the achievements and challenges that continue to face persons with disabilities in their social struggle for equality. Find out more about the symposium and register for this free event.