
Political Science Professor Taeku Lee Joins the Haas Institute as Associate Director
We are thrilled to welcome Taeku Lee as the Haas Institute's new Associate Director. Taeku, a Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, is a renowned scholar on issues of voter engagement and racial politics. We recently interviewed Taeku to get to know his work more deeply, so he took us on a journey from his start as a community organizer, to a professor and analyst of the intersection of voting trends and ethnicity. Taeku shared his thoughts on the possibilities and promise of faculty research, and the unique role of the Haas Institute to help tackle structural marginalization. “The Haas Institute is an incredible community of scholars, scholar-practitioners, and fellow travelers dedicated to the proposition that ideas and knowledge can shine a restorative, cultivating light,” Taeku said. Find more of his insight on Asian American voting patterns, the rise of this country’s white nationalist movement, and how political parties can better engage voters of color in our extensive interview, and join us in welcoming Taeku Lee!
Smart Cities Can Make Basic Rights and Services Accessible
Dr. Victor Pineda, a Senior Fellow, is currently at the UN's Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador, advocating for a broader inclusion of accessible technology in urban planning. Pineda has long been a leading international disability justice advocate. A prominent focus of Pineda’s recent work has been around “smart cities.” Pineda believes that "as more and more services move to digital platforms, it’s important that technology is accessible. If basic rights and services are not accessible, that could potentially impact and exclude millions of citizens." Pineda helped organize a live human-powered project which had hundreds of people, with and without disabilities, of all ages come together to form the word INCLUSION as a defining image of the Habitat Conference. Learn more about his work at Habitat III.
Dear Donald: A Letter from Students Who Have Been Singled Out
In a new blog post, Communications Fellow and UC Berkeley student Kevin Figueroa reflected on the experiences of xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric aimed in part at the Latinx community during this presidential election season. "While I am in favor of and fully understand the necessity of our freedom and privilege of free speech, what I wish to show here is the effects of that freedom," Kevin wrote. He interviewed two UC Berkeley students about the recent presidential debates, as well as fake walls being built on campus as a message of Othering to the on-campus Latinx community. Read the blog post.
Lessons in Dismantling White Supremacy
Director john a. powell was recently quoted on an article entitled, "Lessons in Dismantling White Supremacy," on Baptist News Global. powell makes a find distinction between "racism" and "racialization." powell was quoted that racialization is "the set of practices, cultural norms and institutional arrangements that both reflect and help create and maintain race-based outcomes in society." The article explained that while personal work is necessary to disarm white supremacy, that it is the communal work that cannot be avoided, and is critical to effecting change. Read the article.
Entitled Inclusiveness Index 2016: Measuring Inclusion and Marginality, this report represents the Institute’s efforts to measure and more deeply understand the dynamics of inclusion and group-based marginality within the United States and across the globe. The report holistically examines the experiences of groups across a range of social dimensions, including gender, race/ethnicity, religion, disability, and sexual orientation.

The Othering & Belonging Journal is committed to a redrawing of the boundaries between the fields of academic research, policy analysis, the arts, and engaged practice. The Journal aims to underscore the crucial importance of integrating different fields of practice and scholarship in order to effectively challenge Othering, advance Belonging, and expand the circle of human concern. Read the journal.
Immigration law and criminal law have trapped millions of individuals in a space marked by an inflexible and "lesser" status that prohibits the members of these groups from engaging in civic life or sharing in the rights and benefits generally made available through public and private sources. This resource guide is a menu of inclusive policies and practices undergirded by personal perspectives from those most affected. Download the resource guide.
Advancing Racial Equity in Government
October 19
Next month, GARE will bring their work to the Facing Race National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Before the conference, GARE will host a daylong event featuring leaders from all host organizations, the National League of Cities, as well as a panel of elected officials and a closing event with socio-political comedian W. Kamau Bell, host of the CNN docu-series, United Shades of America. Register for the November 10th convening.
Everybody is Downstream: Report from Standing Rock and Iowa
October 19, 6:30 p.m.
La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA.
What is the significance of the Standing Rock occupation? What is the significance of the resistance in Iowa? What opportunities for collaboration exist along the watershed? What can we do to support the struggle? Hear first hand reports and see footage from this powerfully emblematic movement for climate justice. More information.
Faculty Panel: Building Equitable and Inclusive Food Systems at UC Berkeley
October 26, 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Tamalpais Room, David Brower Center, Berkeley, CA
Panelists will thus consider the question: In what ways could equity across our campus food system precipitate strategic steps toward a more humane, democratic, and inclusive society? This discussion will both grapple with theory and suggest practical solutions. Speakers include our own Elsadig Elsheikh, Director, Global Justice Program. More information.
Psychotherapy and Social Justice: A Dialogue on Othering and Belonging
October 29, 9:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m.
First Congregational Church of Oakland
2501 Harrison St., Oakland, CA 94612
Professor john a. powell will share his ideas on race and identity in a keynote address at the Psychotherapy Institute. He will focus on "othering and belonging" as a framework for exploring core mind science concepts such as implicit bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat. Following his keynote, Drs. Regina Shields and Diane Swirsky will join Professor powell onstage for a dialogue that will add clinical and theoretical perspectives on race and "othering." Register for this event. More information.
Help Us Build Equitable and Inclusive Food Systems at UC Berkeley
Until Oct 31
The Berkeley Food Institute is participating in a Crowdfunding campaign for the Building Equitable and Inclusive Food Systems at UC Berkeley project. BFI is looking forward to building on the project's successful workshops in its first year to complete and publicize a comprehensive, interactive "Foodscape Map" that will identify all food-related organizations, people, and resources on campus. We hope the creation of this map and other activities will help advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in all campus food systems activities. Please share the link with the hashtag #InclusiveFoodatBerkeley.
Facing Race National Conference
November 10th, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EST
Atlanta, GA
We are pleased to partner with Race Forward and the Center for Social Inclusion on the "Inclusive Democracy” track at the Facing Race National Conference, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia on November 10–12. Workshops and panels in the Inclusive Democracy track will feature innovative policies, practices, research, and narratives that support governing for racial equity. Read more. Attend the conference.