Why Trump's diversity training ban is unconstitutional
Assistant Director Stephen Menendian published an analysis of Trump's recent executive order banning diversity training for the federal workforce, showing how such a move violates the Constitution. "This Executive Order is not only chilling constitutionally protected speech, but it is undermining the goal of racial equity itself, by making it harder to discuss, let alone address, systemic racism." Click to read the statement.
'A kick in the stomach': Ethnic studies advocates react to Newsom veto
In this episode of our Who Belongs? podcast we hear from Lara Kiswani, executive director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, and Theresa Montaño, professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies at California State University, Northridge, who are involved in the effort to make ethnic studies a requirement for high school students in California. Two weeks ago Governor Newsom vetoed a bill that would have done just that. Why? The guests help us understand why ethnic studies is needed, why the bill was vetoed, and what comes next. Have a listen here.
A closer look at the Bay Area's single-family zoning
Last week we published a followup to our recent single-family zoning report on the San Francisco Bay Area which offers more comprehensive data, methodology, and new interactive maps, graphs and charts. The new graphics reveal correlations between single-family zoning and a variety of life outcomes including education, income, home values, and exposure to pollution. Check out the new report here, and listen to a recent KQED podcast on the topic featuring remarks from report co-author Stephen Menendian.
Blog: The past, present and future of affirmative action in California
Assistant Director Stephen Menendian published a new blog this week that looks at the history and effects of Prop. 209 in California, which outlawed government officials and policymakers from considering race in legislation tied to the areas of employment, contracting and education, including our university systems. He writes: "It seems clear that taking away that power binds the hands of representatives and policymakers to address one of the most important issues of our time, systemic racism. Racial disparities in well-being (vividly illustrated by the Covid-19 pandemic), wealth, incarceration, and employment, among other areas, illustrate the need to at least consider race as one factor in policymaking." Read this blog here.
This year, voting month is October! New GOTV content available for shared use in our #RiseUp library
In collaboration with key organizing and creative partners, we're producing regularly-updated digital content for open use to support national GOTV efforts. Check out these illustrations and other video and text content in our open presskit library. Click to access to this content library.
Race, Part III recap: The Stories We Tell
From Estrangement to Engagement: Bridging to the Ballot Box
We recently published a new research brief that summarizes key insights and applications from research on strategy for expanding the electorate and fostering bridging across lines of difference for greater civic belonging. The synthesis of research and experience offered the paper is geared toward application in the field in 2020. Check it out here.
Our new poll shows OC residents want more housing support for homeless
We released the results of a new poll last week showing overwhelming support among Orange County residents to increase housing and support services for houseless people, including in their own neighborhoods, suggesting a rejection of “NIMBYism.” But the poll also shows a sharp increase in housing insecurity among residents, as shown in the graph above. Click to read more about the survey.
Disability scholar Sunaura Taylor joins Institute
This semester we welcomed Sunaura Taylor, an assistant professor in the Division of Society and Environment, as the newest member of our Disability Studies faculty research cluster. Taylor works at the intersection of disability studies, environmental humanities, animal studies, environmental justice, feminist science studies, and art practice. Click to Learn more about her work.
SAVE THE DATE: Our next #RiseUp4Justice national livestream event will be next Thursday, Oct 22 at 2:00 PM PDT / 5:00 pm EDT, accessible on our Facebook, Youtube, or on the Rise Up microsite. This livestream will explore "Covid-19 and the Political Determinants of Health." Learn more.
News & Media
Associate Director Denise Herd was interviewed for this Berkeley News story, titled "Stark racial bias revealed in police killings of older, mentally ill, unarmed Black men."
Assistant Director Stephen Menendian was quoted in this KCET article on the effects of Prop 13, titled "Proposition 13 Under Increased Scrutiny as California Faces Economic Crisis." Separately, Menendian was interviewed in this KQED podcast about single-family zoning, titled "The Racist History of Single-Family Home Zoning."
Faculty scholar Jesse Rothstein is quoted in this Chicago Tribune story, titled "College grads struggle to launch careers in a pandemic economy."
Faculty scholar Cristina Mora is interviewed in this LA Times story, titled "Hispanic Heritage Month gets justifiable criticism, but it’s still worth celebrating. Here’s why."
Henry Brady, dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy and one of our faculty scholars, spoke with the DailyCal in this article on voter suppression.
Faculty scholar Michael Reich is interviewed in this New York Times article, titled "An Uber Wage Experiment Worked."
Faculty scholar Mahasin Mujahid is quoted in this DailyCal story, titled "UC Berkeley study shows severe maternal morbidity disproportionately affects minorities."
Faculty scholar Rucker Johnson is quoted in this NBC News story, titled "Anti-Asian bias rose after media, officials used 'China virus,' report shows."