Unequal Protection: In a recent online symposium, Russell Robinson, Berkeley Law professor and Chair of the Haas Institute's LGBTQ Citizenship faculty cluster, discusses the Supreme Court's expansion of rights for some, while contracting those rights for others. "While equality is expanding for LGBT people, it is evaporating for people of color," writes Professor Robinson, in this series which calls on constitutional law scholars and teachers to think critically about the Court’s equal protection distinctions and consider whether the doctrine itself may perpetuate inequality. Professor Robinson's expands on this perspective in his upcoming paper for the Stanford Law Review.
Haas Institute Diversity and Democracy cluster member and Berkeley Law professor Jonathan Simon recently published Mass Incarceration on Trial: A Remarkable Court Decision and the Future of Prisons in America, a new book focused on the growth of prisons in California. Read a book review on Truthout.
A symposium to be held at Berkeley Law entitled Exploring Law, Disability, and the Challenge of Equality in Canada and the United States - co-hosted by the Haas Disability Studies Cluster and Diversity and Democracy Clusters - will bring together scholars to discuss the achievements and challenges that continue to face persons with disabilities in their social struggle for equality. Scholars will present research on a variety of issues, all of which raise a clarion call for a crisper theoretical and practical engagement between law, persons with disabilities, and society in order to create social change. The papers will be published to coincide with the 25-year anniversary of the American Disabilities Act. Find out more about the symposium and register here for this free event.
Berkeley Law professor Victoria Plaut, a member of the Haas Institute's Religious Diversity cluster, led two sessions at the recent World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, where her recent work about diversity and inclusion in work and academic settings was a much-discussed topic. “Many companies say they care about diversity,” Plaut said. “I think the issue is whether they’re willing to take the lead on diversity not only within their companies, but in their communities." Read the Berkeley Law article on Professor Plaut's presentation and research.
Professor Michael Omi recently kicked off a lecture series for the American Culture Studies program at Washington University in St. Louis. His talk discussed the ongoing changes in how race is classified. How Colorblindness Co-Evolved with Freemarket Thinking is available online at Political Research Associates.
This is a new space in our e-newsletter for listing events centered on topics, people, and movements embracing a fair and inclusive society. Email us if you'd like to add an event!
KPFA Berkeley and Marcus Books presents "john a. powell - The Path to A Fair and Inclusive Society: Seeing the Other In Me" at St. John's Presbyterian Church on November 5 in Berkeley. Buy advance tickets and find out more event details.
OCT 13
Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration. Free day-long event celebrating indigenous peoples from around the world. UC Berkeley
OCT 16 - 17
The New Prosperity Law: Expanding Opportunity and Reducing Inequality. 50 Years After the War on Poverty. Boalt Hall, UC Berkeley School of Law
OCT 16
25th Anniversary Dinner of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC). Washington D.C.
OCT 17
It Was All A Dream: A Celebration of Undocumented Student Writing. UC Berkeley
OCT 17 - 19
Beloved Community: Interbeing, Race, Class, and Personhood. A talk by john a. powell. National Bioneers Conference, San Rafael, CA.
OCT 20
Autonomous University of Barcelona Online Webinar. Politics of the Developing World: Global Food System Crises & Opportunities, Online webinar with Elsadig Elsheikh of Haas Institute.
African Rural Women Speak! Sponsored by UC Berkeley's Center for Research on Social Change, Berkeley Food Institute, Center for African Studies, Institute of International Studies. UC Berkeley
NOV 13-15
Facing Race: A National Conference presented by Race Forward, a unique collaborative space for racial justice movement making. Dallas, TX.

Haas Institute has a new forum on the long-form journalism site Medium. Follow our articles by staff and partners; recent pieces include Nadia Barhoum's Rhetoric of Racism, From Ferguson to Palestine, Saqib Bhatti's Cities Must Take Action to Stem Local Crises, and Sara Grossman's The New Age of Segregation.