Perspectives from Haas Institute Staff and Scholars on the 2016 Election Cycle
Masculinity, Anxiety, and Fear of the Other in the Age of Trump: a new essay by Sara Grossman looking at the role of toxic masculinity, misogyny, homophobia, and anxieties around the Other that have been amplified by Donald Trump in this Presidential election cycle, but have historical roots going back decades.
Season of the Demagogue: A new blog post by our Assistant Director Stephen Menendian on the 2016 election and how we can build a more inclusive society in the wake of this divisive campaign season. "Part of the answer to these demagogues and their appeals must be to rebuild the structures of opportunity that have frayed... But we must do more for those who are left behind by economic and technological change. We must also resolve to build more inclusive societies that are inoculated from the appeal of the demagogue." Read Season of the Demagogue.

The Haas Institute collaborated with Black and Brown People Vote to create this PSA aimed at increasing black millennial voter engagement. This dynamic, inspirational spot uses spoken word, music, the power of protest, and beautiful black imagery that underscores the importance of voting. #Vote4BlackFutures
50 million Americans live with disabilities. They could swing this election. You listening, politicians? The rights of disabled people aren't a partisan issue — they're an American issue. Our senior fellow Victor Pineda was interviewed in this Vox.com piece about the political power of Americans with disabilities. "We are visible if you’re willing to look," he said. "We represent every constituency group. We are old, we are young, we are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, we are men, women, transgender. We are part of every community, and what we want is equal opportunity to contribute our talents." Read the article. Video interview here.
The Most Important Part of Day One That No One Is Focusing On: Our Racial Politics Director Ian Haney Lopez's perspective on Bill Moyers.com the day after Sen. Elizabeth Warren called out Donald Trump and the GOP for the dog-whistle politics they are playing.
Asian American Voters In The 2016 Election, Our Associate Director Taeku Lee wrote this piece in HuffingtonPost on Asian American voters: "First, Asian Americans are not only the nation’s fastest growing racial group (growing 43 percent between 2000 and 2010, for example), but they are also the fastest growing racial group among voters (adding an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 new voters in each of the last few presidential elections). Read the piece.

A new report on gender roles and bias against females we co-released a few weeks ago. Perception Institute Director Alexis McGill Johnson noted in the intro: "We are publishing the second volume of The Science of Equality on gender almost 100 years after women’s suffrage, and just a few short weeks before we vote in another historic election: the first woman is leading the ticket of a major party. But most important, young women of all races and gender identities—who are unapologetic, queer, and unafraid—are powering movements from Black Lives Matter to immigration reform to reproductive justice to minimum wage and beyond. They are living both at an intersection and intersectionally—centering the voices of the most marginal. It is our job as researchers to ensure that we support their progress with metrics that capture the spirit they are building." Read the Science of Equality Vol. 2 report.