How 13 distinct problems are conflated into a single 'housing crisis'
In a long essay we just published, Assistant Director Stephen Menendian takes a deep dive into the different meanings of the term "housing crisis" — a label the media applies to everything housing-related, including homelessness, unaffordable rents, housing supply shortages, gentrification and displacement, among others.
Menendian writes:
"There is no single "housing crisis"; rather, there is a cluster of dysfunctions and disturbing circumstances in housing, some of which are related, some of which are not, and some of which are only partially related." |
Event: The Promise and Limits of Restitution: Returning to ‘Congo’
How do our concepts of trauma and violence matter today? What does it mean to be safe in times of exposure? Join us tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 1) at 8am PT / 11am ET for our next event in the ongoing livestream series being put on by our European program, where V (formerly known as Eve Ensler, award-winning author of The Vagina Monologues) and Democracy & Belonging Forum Global Senior Fellow Bayo Akomolafe will explore 'Congo' - not merely as a country in Central Africa and site of V's "City of Joy", but as a useful metaphor to explore contemporary politics.
Event: Recharge - Better Together
Join us next Thursday, Dec. 8, 5pm - 6:30pm PT, for this special end-of-year opportunity to connect online with each other and our deepest yearnings to build a vibrant planet based on belonging. There is so much happening in the world every day with the ongoing pandemic, climate change, and communities that inspire us, but we should be intentional about the way grief affects us and how it takes a community to heal and belong. We invite you to join us for this interactive communal healing event, where we'll come together to grieve, heal and remember we are better together than apart.
Featuring: - john a. powell, Director of OBI
- Sarah Crowell, Choreographer & educator
Lisa Keefauver, Host of Grief is a Sneaky Bitch Podcast
Climate Solutions Must Be Rooted in Belonging
In case you missed it, last week we released our set of climate justice principles, vowing to incorporate them into our work on belonging moving forward. Belonging and climate justice are intertwined. Belonging reflects that we are each engaged in a complex set of relationships that sustain life. We belong to the earth and the earth belongs to us. See our climate justice principles here, and read a summary of this philosophy here.
Omidyar Network adopts belonging as key focus area
Our partners at the Omidyar Network, which is a social change venture that works to bring about structural changes that will fundamentally shift the systems that govern our daily lives, recently incorporated "Building a Culture of Belonging" as one of its three main focus areas. In a statement announcing this adoption, the network states, "We will invest in the people and institutions equipping our increasingly diverse society to turn toward one another rather than against each other." Read more about this exciting announcement here.
Pick up some of our stuff!
We have so much cool stuff in our swag store we know you're going to love! Posters, clothing, bags, mugs, and more! Visit our shop here! | -
OBI Director john a. powell is mentioned in this New York Time article about his collaboration with the New Pluralists. Separately, john is also quoted in this Sahan Journal, titled, "Black people in Scott County, Minnesota, live to be 90. Here's how."
- Karen Nakamura, who is Chair of OBI's Disability Cluster, is featured in this PBS news report about UC Berkeley's Disability Lab.
Our recent event on the Inflation Reduction Act was mentioned in this Nonprofit Quarterly story, titled, "How Can the Inflation Reduction Act Work for Communities?"
Faculty scholar Cristina Mora is quoted in this Washington Post article, titled, "UC-Berkeley can’t use race in admissions. Is it a model for the country?"
Assistant Director Stephen Menendian is interviewed in this excellent ABC Action News video report, titled, "What makes a city integrated?"
Othering & Belonging Institute, University of California, Berkeley | Privacy Policy 2022 Copyright © Othering & Belonging Institute. All rights reserved. |
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