Resistance and the Rebirth of Inclusion
In a new piece reflecting on the post-US election atmosphere, Director john a. powell describes the new era that we are facing where disagreements and political differences serve as a thinly-veiled justification for upholding oppression over belonging. powell notes that those in power have to earn trust and that we cannot allow white supremacy and intolerance be normalized. powell wrote, "What we are for is building a society where justice, love, and belonging are centered, where diversity is a strength, and where the humanity of all people is recognized." Read john's perspective on Huffington Post or the Berkeley blog.
Black Liberation and the Food Movement
On November 19, we co-hosted a community forum called Black Liberation and the Food Movement along with several community partners, where former Black Panther Judy Juanita gave the keynote address. The event consisted of workshops and strategies to further Black liberation through food justice. This event was co-created by: Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project; Bryant Terry; Farms to Grow, Inc.; Food First; Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society (UC Berkeley); HOPE Collaborative; McGee Ave. Baptist Church/Center for Food, Faith, and Justice; Oakland Food Policy Council, PolicyLink, The Way Christian Center/LIVE FREE Campaign, with involvement of the Bay Area #BlackLivesMatter chapter. Read more.
Developing a Strategic Narrative to Combat Structural Racism
We were one of the proud sponsors of the Facing Race conference in Atlanta, held two days following the 2016 election, where we help put together the Inclusive Democracy conference track that featured policies, practices, research, and narratives to support governing for racial equity. Haas Institute staff Stephen Menendian and Gerald Lenoir gave a workshop entitled, "Developing a Strategic Narrative to Combat Structural Racism." This workshop focused on how base-building groups, policy advocates, labor organizations, and other organizations can advance a strategic analysis of structural inequality, strategic racism and dog whistle politics, and the subversion of US democracy. Download the presentation.
Director powell Featured Scholar at Harvard Law Exhibit
Director john a. powell was featured in a new exhibit at Harvard Law school entitled "Diverse Voices." Created by a coalition of student groups, the exhibit debuted on the anniversary of a November 2015 incident at Harvard Law where portraits of Black Harvard Law professors were defaced. Honorees included professors Kimberlé Crenshaw, Kristen Carpenter, Jennifer Granholm, and Laura Nyantung Beny, among others. The exhibit ran from November 17–22, and was displayed at Harvard Law's Wasserstein Hall. According to the organizing students, "the goal of the exhibit is to continue the conversation about diversity in the law as it pertains to diversity within law school faculties." Read the article.
The Othering & Belonging Journal is committed to a redrawing of the boundaries between the fields of academic research, policy analysis, the arts, and engaged practice. The Journal aims to underscore the crucial importance of integrating different fields of practice and scholarship in order to effectively challenge Othering, advance Belonging, and expand the circle of human concern. Read the journal.
The Science of Equality Volume 2: The Effects of Gender Roles, Implicit Bias, and Stereotype Threat on the Lives of Women and Girls. This report focuses on how gender bias plays out across various domains, including in the media, workplaces, communities, schools, and our homes. Building upon the Perception Institute’s inaugural Science of Equality Volume 1: Addressing Implicit Bias, Racial Anxiety, and Stereotype Threat in Education and Healthcare, this new report examines how women navigate stereotypes and highlights interventions to reduce the harm of implicit bias and stereotyping.
The Global Heart of Darkness
Global Justice Researcher Nadia Barhoum recently volunteered in Chios, Greece to work with refugees seeking aslyum. In a heart-wrenching narrative, she recalls the conditions that the refugees faced and reconstructed the bitter truths about the social and emotional desolation that so many face while waiting for their cases to be determined. Read her perspective.
International Day of Tolerance
Elsadig Elsheikh, Director of the Global Justice program, recently wrote a piece about how the recent US presidential election reinforced othering and intolerance, and what special significance that holds going forward. Elsadig wrote, "Indeed, Trump’s capture of the White House will challenge the global ideals of tolerance." International Day of Tolerance is November 16. Read his perspective.
Behind the Housing Crisis
Dec. 2, 5:00pm–7:00pm
Nile Hall, 1233 Preservation Park Way, Oakland, CA
The housing crisis in California is devastating communities and families across the region. To find a way out of this crisis, we must look at the forces underneath and the opportunities to shift these structures. Join us at this event for all who are impacted by displacement and invested in creating long term housing solutions, featuring three leaders with decades of research, analysis, and organizing on how displacement can be overcome. We can achieve the dream of a California where everyone belongs. Register.

Thinking Ahead with Anne Price
Dec. 15, 5:15pm–6:45pm
Citizen Engagement Lab
1330 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA
Rethinking Assets: Are We Ready to Leap Forward?
Learn More. Register.