One year after US presidential election, new report examines what didn't happen
Marking the one-year anniversary of the US presidential election and Donald Trump's shock victory, the Haas Institute and Tides co-released a report today that examines the factors that led to that unforeseen outcome. The report, titled “What Didn’t Happen?: Breaking Down the Results of the 2016 Presidential Election,” authored by Tides Senior Fellow Joshua Clark, uses data from the US Census Bureau, major post-election surveys, and other sources to examine shifts in voting behavior among different demographic groups that led to last year’s major upset.
Among the key findings of the report were that Trump won the election by outpacing past GOP candidates among rural whites and whites without a college degree, particularly in states where turnout simultaneously dove among Democrat-leaning groups, along with an uptick in support for 3rd party candidates.
Download the report here.
Registration open for Kerner Commission Conference
Registration is now open for our three-day "Kerner Commission at 50" conference! The conference, due to be held Feb. 27 - March 1, 2018, will explore race, segregation, and inequality 50 years after the release of the historic Kerner Commission Report. More than a dozen speakers are due to take part in the conference, including Shaun Donovan, who served as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Obama, and former US Senator Fred Harris, who is the only surviving member of the Kerner Commission. The event will take place on the UC Berkeley campus with a satellite location at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Registration information, a list of speakers, and other details about the conference are available here.
Report looks at public health & wealth in Detroit
The Haas Institute published a new report this week describing the relationships between the health of Detroit’s residents, housing, and disparities in political power, four years after the city filed for bankruptcy. Authored by researcher Suparna Bhaskaran, the report shows how water and sewer infrastructure and housing are key points of intervention to create better health for Detroiters.
Download the report here, an executive summary here, and a long blog post about the research here.
Webmaps break down Bay Area's racial diversity and housing allocations
Researchers Heather Bromfield and Eli Moore have developed new, interactive webmaps to accompany their co-authored "Unfair Shares" report that was released in August, which shows that whiter Bay Area cities have been less committed to building housing for poorer residents than cities that are more racially diverse. One side of the new maps displays the percent of non-Hispanic white residents for each Bay Area city, and the other shows the number of moderate and lower income housing units allocated to each city.
Have a look at these maps here, and read a recent article written by Bromfield and Moore based on the "Unfair Shares" report here.
New bi-annual magazine out now
Last week we released the latest issue of our bi-annual newsletter, a 44-page publication available online or in print form, that offers updates on our work, original feature stories, analyses, interviews, profiles, and more. This issue covers the period ranging from September 2016 to August 2017, and includes a wrap-up on our second Othering & Belonging conference, summaries of our recent reports on migration, refugees, housing, and the second issue of our Othering & Belonging Journal.
Download this issue here.
Friday, Nov. 17: Jovan Scott Lewis, an economic anthropologist from UC Berkeley, is set to speak on "Reparations, Deferral, and the Promissory of Poverty." Read more about this talk here.
Wednesday, Nov. 29: Haas Institute Senior Fellow Richard Rothstein will discuss his widely-praised book, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, in Oakland, CA. Details here.
Friday, Dec. 1: Paul Frymer, professor of Politics and the Director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University, will speak on "The Politics of Mass Deportation in the United States: State Authority, Public Activism, and Government Removal Policies Targeting Native Americans and African Americans in the 19th Century." Details here.