NOV. 1, 2016

#Vote4BlackFutures video graphic - see full video at

Black youth and organizations have played a critical role in lifting up issues of structural racism in the criminal justice system and in US society as a whole. With a week to go before the election, we want to extend black activism to the ballot box. #Vote4BlackFutures is a dynamic new 90-second video PSA, an inspirational spot using spoken word, music, protest footage, and beautiful black imagery that captures the importance of voting, a colllaboration between the Haas Institute and Black and Brown People Vote. We hope you can help us draw attention to #Vote4BlackFutures, to get as much traction as possible to ensure that black voices and votes are heard on Nov. 8.

Below are some sample social media messages and shareable graphics to use and distribute to your networks. 

Direct Video Link:

Hashtags: #Vote4BlackFutures  #BlackVotesMatter

Sample tweets:

No more chains on our freedom. No more locks on our minds. #Vote4BlackFutures on Nov 8. @blackbrownvote @haasinstitute

To be considered a part of America, not apart from America. #Vote4BlackFutures Nov 8 @haasinstitute @blackbrownvote

“We are the new Millennials. It’s never too early, it’s only too late if you wait.” #Vote4BlackFutures Nov 8

“I was born with the right to write my freedom on the pages of my life.” #Vote4BlackFutures on Nov 8

Lives were lost just for us to have a choice. Must watch new #Vote4BlackFutures video @haasinstitute @blackbrownvote

“Violence on the TV screens. Sirens scream, but we don’t.” Be heard on Nov 8. #Vote4BlackFutures video

Sample Facebook posts:

“No more chains on our freedom no more locks on our mind.” Check out this new #Vote4BlackFutures video. On November 8, show that #BlackVotesMatter. Find your local polling place and make your voice heard.

#Vote4BlackFutures is a beautiful new piece using spoken word, music, protest footage, and beautiful black imagery that captures the importance of voting. On Nov. 8, it’s time to #Vote4BlackFutures and show just how much #BlackVotesMatter.

Thanks in advance for your support to Get out the Vote for Nov. 8! 
john a. powell and the #Vote4BlackFutures team: Olivia Araiza, Ifeoma Ike, Gerald Lenoir, Rachelle Galloway-Popotas
Director of the Haas Institute for a Fair & Inclusive Society and Professor of Law, African-American, & Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Vote4BlackFutures image
Vote4BlackFutures image
Vote4BlackFutures image
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