On May 29, 2015, Professor Hilary Hoynes (Economics, Public Policy) is hosting a day-long workshop on “The Future of SNAP? Improving Nutrition Policy to Ensure Health and Food Equity.”
This interdisciplinary workshop will summarize evidence and research findings on SNAP, identify challenges of current delivery approaches, and address recommended actions relevant for the future of SNAP. It will involve panel discussions, including leading researchers from UC Berkeley and other universities, representatives from respected NGOs in the field, representatives from federal and state agencies, and practitioners. Conference attendees will be involved through audience discussions and collaborative break-out sessions.
Graduate students working in the area of SNAP (CalFresh), or potentially (depending on submissions) food and nutrition policies more broadly, are encouraged to participate and attend the workshop.
Graduate students are invited to submit a paper for the poster session.
If selected, you will also be asked to help take notes during the break-out sessions.
Applications due May 15, 2015.
To apply, submit a cover letter, CV and a draft of the paper that will form the basis of the poster (an extended abstract is acceptable if no paper is yet complete) to aaschiller@berkeley.edu.