Haas Institute Summer
Brown Bag Lecture Series

June 10
Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope
The Haas Institute will host a brown bag based on Cynthia Kaufman's book Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope. Prof. Kaufman will share a presentation and engage in dialogue on capitalism as a set of practices, and will show how that understanding can help us know which crucial forms of action to take in order to build just and sustainable economies. She will also present alternatives to capitalism and explore strategies for developing and strengthening those alternatives. 12:00pm - 1:30pm / 460 Stephens Hall, UC Berkeley / Free and open to the public. Wheelchair accessible. / Contact Ebonye Gussine Wilkins for more information or questions.
June 11-12: Seattle, WA
2015 Governing for Racial Equity Conference
will take place June 11 - 12 in Seattle, WA. This event is a tremendous opportunity for government employees to learn what other jurisdictions are doing to achieve racial equity and eliminate institutional and structural racism, as well as share successes, struggles and wisdom with each other. Learn more about the conference here.
Research Assistant: Law
Berkeley Law professor john a. powell, also Director of the Haas Institute, is seeking to hire two law student research assistants. RAs may work on research regarding: civil rights and human rights, racial and economic segregation, sexual orientation, religion, disability, gender, housing law, questions pertaining to the 14th Amendment, immigration and citizenship. RAs may assist in legal analysis, legal research, preparation of presentations, conferences and other engagements, writing projects including book chapters, journal articles, and bibliographic reviews. Full job description can be found here. To apply: Send resume, letter of interest (no more than two pages), and writing sample to Alyson Reimer at alyson.m.reimer@gmail.com.
Op-ed on implicit bias in the Grand Haven Tribune: The columnist cites The Science of Equality report where authors Rachel Godsil, Linda Tropp, Phillip Atiba Goff, and john a. powell examine research related to implicit bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat.
Alicia Garza, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter, answers our questions in this blog post about her organizing and activism work, her sources of personal inspiration, and how a Belonging-centered framework is necessary in our work in social justice.
A 21st Century Problem: Lessons from the Armenian Genocide: Assistant Director Stephen Menendian examines the Armenian genocide that occurred 100 years ago this year, exploring the ramifications of the denialism that surrounded the killing of over one million Armenians, and why it's necessary to exercise political will within the international community to expose and punish such acts in order to avoid perpetuating cycles of violence.
Belonging and Impermanence: a perspective on the Othering & Belonging Conference from author Jeremy Adam Smith of the Greater Good Science Center.