May 22
Pacific and Western Disability Studies Symposium: Connecting Disability Studies, Disability Justice, and Disability Arts
University of Washington, Seattle
Susan Schweik, co-leader of the Haas Institute's Disabilites Studies cluster, will give the keynote address at the Pacific and Western Disability Studies Symposium. Her talk, entitled "A Feather in a Hurricane and the Law of Falling Bodies: Disability Research and the Politics of Storytelling," is part of this event examining how disability studies can make connections to allies in other disciplines and across educational institutions, and with disability communities and cultural activism in disability justice. Contact for more information.
May 27
Greece: Austerity, Debt, and the European Union Institutions
The Haas Institute will host a brown bag on "Greece: Austerity, Debt, and the European Union Institutions" from 12:00pm - 1:00pm at 460 Stephens Hall. As austerity in the Euro-zone continues to cause regressive cuts to social programs and the privatization of public enterprises, many working and middle classes (especially in Europe’s peripheries) are experiencing increased unemployment, an erosion of wealth, and suicides. To engage these critical questions, Vassilis Popotas, financial expert, will reflect on the dilemma of the European elite and the European debt crisis. He will address: how the crisis affected Greece; how we can better understand the debt deflation phenomenon; and, the potential outcome of the European crisis.
June 10
Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope
The Haas Institute will host a brown bag on what capitalism is and at how it is reproduced based on Cynthia Kaufman's book Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope. Kaufman—who will be present at the event—conceptualizes capitalism as a set of practices constituted by several key forms of agency, and will show how that understanding can help us know which crucial forms of action to take to build just and sustainable economies. Presenting many alternatives to capitalism, she explores strategies for developing and strengthening those alternatives. This event runs from 12:00pm - 1:30pm at 460 Stephens Hall.
Research Assistant in Economic Policy
The Haas Institute is seeking a part-time graduate level research assistant to conduct data analysis of industries, wages, and regional economic structures in California. The RA will work on research related to structure of sectors, industries, and wages at the local, regional, and state level in California. In addition to research, the RA will also be brought into the planning and coordination of meetings and events involving policy makers, community organizers, and advocates. Assignments may also include outreach, logistical support, and note taking during the meetings. See the full job description. To Apply: Send resume, letter of interest (no more than two pages) to
Research Assistant: Law
Berkeley Law professor john a. powell, also Director of the Haas Institute, is seeking to hire two law student research assistants. RAs may work on research regarding: civil rights and human rights, racial and economic segregation, sexual orientation, religion, disability, gender, housing law, questions pertaining to the 14th Amendment, immigration and citizenship. RAs may assist in legal analysis, legal research, preparation of presentations, conferences and other engagements, writing projects including book chapters, journal articles, and bibliographic reviews. Full job description can be found here. To Apply: Send resume, letter of interest (no more than two pages), and writing sample to Alyson Reimer at