What would it take to collectively own our data? How could we regulate the environmental impact of resource-intensive technologies? These are just some of the big questions about technology facing us on a global scale. |
In this new blog post, members of our Tech & Belonging project team outline six actions to transform tech from being a data-usurping and gig-worker exploiting industry to one based on the values of belonging. Learn how, here.
PS: We are looking for stories from people around the world who have restructured their organizations, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, public spaces, etc., in ways that are based on the principles of belonging. What are the principles of belonging? They are agency, power, love and responsibility. Please write to us at belonging@berkeley.edu with your stories and we may feature them on our website.
Is Polarization Really the Problem?
Last week OBI Director john a. powell joined Marshall Ganz, a long time organizer and professor from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, to discuss what's behind the divisiveness eating away at our social fabric. Watch this critical discussion here. |
A Critical Look at Community Policing
Earlier this week we heard from a panel of organizers in Southern California with a critical view of community policing. In the latest installment of our #RiseUp4Justice livestream series, the panelists gave an overview of the militarized counterinsurgency and surveillance tactics being used in their communities and communities around the country. Hear their stories here.
Documentary: Plague at the Golden Gate
Over 100 years before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world and set off a wave of fear and anti-Asian sentiment, an outbreak of bubonic plague in San Francisco’s Chinatown in 1900 unleashed a similar furor. Director john a. powell is featured in this PBS documentary premiering next Tuesday, May 24 about the discrimination faced by Chinese people in this period. Learn more.