Open House Held to Release New Report on Food Justice and Community Health in Richmond

On April 28 the Haas Institute released a new report, Food Justice and Community Heath in Richmond, at an open house held at UC Berkeley. Community members, campus staff and researchers working in food policy, and students gathered to discuss the report and its recommendations for strategies to facilitate more deeply engaged partnerships between UC Berkeley and the Richmond community. Nadia Barhoum, who authored the report and organized the event, led the audience in facilitated discussions on the city of Richmond's challenges with an array of structural barriers to opportunity, such as poverty and food and environmentally-related health challenges, which mirror those of many other low-income neighborhoods across the US, as well as ideas for transformational change in policy and partnerships. Read more about the event here.
Download the Food Justice & Community Health report here.
The Daily Cal published a write-up of the report and event, read the Daily Cal article.