Low Income Housing Tax Credit Finds Room for Improvement in Promoting Access to Opportunity for Bay Area Developments
The Haas Institute published new research that comprehensively analyzes the administration of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program in California by examining LIHTC developments in the San Francisco Bay Area. This vitally important program shapes whether millions of Americans and their families have access to good jobs, safe neighborhoods, and secure housing. The findings in the report can be used by policymakers and other stakeholders to advocate for changes to California’s procedures for allocating tax credits. Read the report.
California Endowment Awards Major Grant to Haas Institute to Develop Progressive Narrative for California
The Haas Institute has received funding from The California Endowment to support the Institute's Blueprint for Belonging initiative. The project, which goes by B4B for short, is working on developing and disseminating a meta-narrative that can underpin work across individual movements, issues, and policies to help connect and advance the work of progressive changemakers across California. The B4B project is is part of the Haas Institute’s Network for Transformative Change. Read more about the project in this interview with Olivia Araiza, who leads the Network.
For Undocumented Communities, Fear and Anxiety on the Trump Agenda
In a new blog post, writer Sara Grossman discusses how fear has grown immensely in immigrant communities since President Trump took office—and signs say the situation will only worsen. She writes that the deportation of 35-year-old mother-of-two Guadalupe García de Rayos, who had been in the US for 21 years, is likely just a taste of the type of inhumane immigration priorities we’ll be seeing more of from the Trump Administration. Read "For Undocumented Communities, Fear and Anxiety on the Trump Agenda."
“Working Together: Building Successful Policy and Program Partnerships for Immigrant Integration" is a new publication co-written by Professor Irene Bloemraad, a member of the Haas Institute Diversity and Democracy research cluster. The report discusses how immigrants contribute to the nation’s economic vitality and civic and political health. Read the publication.
We need bold ideas, even more connected movements, and strategies that enable us to collectively combat the local and global rise of xenophobic and authoritarian institutions and politics, hate and exclusion, and threats to our living planet and democracy itself.
Join us April 30–May 2 for our second Othering & Belonging Conference to advance scholarship, movements, and work that advances a world built on inclusion. Some of the confirmed speakers include:
- Tarell Alvin McCraney, Oscar-winning playwright
- Masha Gessen, journalist, LGBTQ advocate, and expert on authoritarian regimes
- LaToya Ruby Frazier, photographer and video artist
- Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
- Kumi Naidoo, former executive director of Greenpeace International
- Tarso Luis Ramos, executive director of Political Research Associates
- Tara Houska, Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth
- Alicia Garza, National Domestic Workers Alliance and co-founder, Black Lives Matter
- Jeff Chang, author and Director of Diversity in the Arts at Stanford
- Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of ColorOfChange
- Zephyr Teachout, law professor and former candidate for governor and Congress
- Sabrina Smith, California Calls
- Doug McAdam, professor of sociology at Stanford University
- Chinaka Hodge, poet and spoken word artist
- Charlene Sinclair, Center for Community Change
- Antoine Hunter and the Urban Jazz Company
- Destiny Arts Junior Company;
- And many, many more being confirmed daily!
Registration is quickly filling up so register soon to not miss this dynamic event!
March 18: The 32nd Annual Empowering Womxn of Color Conference, “Unbound and Unboxed: Owning, Asserting, and Uplifting our Whole Selves” will take place at UC Berkeley on March 18. This year's aim is to "provide a space where women of color can come together to hear one another as we explore new imaginings of freedom and well-being." More information.
April 6: ISSI Graduate Fellows Program presents: How It Slips Away/We Still Here: A Blues Geography of Black Portland. Featuring Lisa K. Bates, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Urban Studies,and Carolina Reid, Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley. Learn more.
April 22: The Haas Institute will co-sponsor the "Science Talk at Cal" a daylong, student-organized conference that will center on the fields of water, food systems, and climate change. This conference is free and open to everyone. Register.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is accepting applications for several leadership development programs. National Leadership Programs include: Health Policy Research Scholars, Interdisciplinary Research Leaders, and Clinical Scholars. These leadership programs are designed to extend the influence and impact of leaders working to build a Culture of Health. Learn more and apply.
The Haas Institute has the following positions open. (If you have trouble accessing these links, go to jobs.berkeley.edu and search for the titles.)
Position: Assistant Director AASD (4564U)
Job ID: 22928
The Assistant Director of the African American Student Development program (AASD) is a member of the AASD team located among the programs known as Multicultural Student Development (MSD), which is within the portfolio of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, UC Berkeley. The First Review Date for this job is: March 22. Apply online.
We believe our society is in need of articulating a New Social Compact, one that is based on a set of core inclusive values, one that builds on our past and embraces our future.
We will not allow the normalization of hate, exclusion, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia in our society. These forces betray our values and if remain unchecked will overwhelmingly harm all people, our living planet, our future generations, and democracy itself.
This compact recognizes that we may have many different strategies for achieving our goals, but we are united by common values that guide our actions. The values in this compact are nonpartisan and reflect our grounding in a morality that recognizes the worth of all people. We believe these values are central to any legitimate democratic government.