Emotions and Inside Out
Inside Out is a new animated film from Pixar that explores the memories, emotions, and experiences of 11-year-old Riley Anderson during her transition from her home in Minnesota to her new life on West Coast. In order to gain scientific credibility for this film, Pixar filmmakers regularly checked in with emotion expert Prof. Dacher Keltner. Keltner, co-director of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, has explored and completed extensive research about the functions of human emotions, processing and social interactions. In an interview with NPR, UC Berkeley Prof. Dacher Keltner said, “I think they really nailed it.” NPR’s science correspondent Jon Hamilton reports that Keltner believes the open dialogue between him and the filmmakers “helped create a movie that’s true to the underlying science.. on how emotions tend to color Riley’s perceptions of the world.” Keltner is a member of the Haas Institute Religious Diversity faculty cluster.
Research Assistants: Law
The Haas Institute is seeking to hire two law students to serve as research assistants for Berkeley Law professor john a. powell. RAs may work on research regarding: civil rights and human rights, racial and economic segregation, sexual orientation, religion, disability, gender, housing law, questions pertaining to the 14th Amendment, immigration and citizenship. RAs may assist in legal analysis, legal research, preparation of presentations, conferences and other engagements, writing projects including book chapters, journal articles, and bibliographic reviews. Full job description can be found here. To apply: Send resume, letter of interest (no more than two pages), and writing sample to Alyson Reimer at a.reimer@berkeley.edu.