We support a cohort of jurisdictions that are at the forefront of work to achieve racial equity.
A few jurisdictions have already done substantive work and are poised to be a model for others. Supporting a targeted cohort of jurisdictions and providing best practices, tools, and resources is helping to build and sustain current efforts and build a national movement for racial equity. Current cohorts include: Minneapolis, MN; St. Paul, MN; Seattle, WA: Tacoma, WA; Portland, OR; Multnomah County, OR; and Madison, WI. We will add more jurisdictions on a rolling basis.
We develop a "pathway for entry" into racial equity work for new jurisdictions from across the country.
Many jurisdictions lack the leadership and/or infrastructure to address issues of racial inequity. Using the learning and resources from the cohort creates pathways for increased engagement and expansion of the Alliance.
We support and build local and regional collaborations that are broadly inclusive and focused on achieving racial equity.
To eliminate racial inequities in our communities, developing a “collective impact” approach firmly grounded in inclusion and equity is necessary. Government can play a key role in collaborations for achieving racial equity, centering community, and leveraging institutional partnerships. Through the regional networks, we create access to a peer network for all government leaders in the United States working on racial equity.
Mayor Hodges, City of Minneapolis
Mayor Coleman, City of St. Paul
Hennepin County
League of Minnesota Cities
Local Progress
Metropolitan Council
Minneapolis Park Board
Minneapolis Public Schools
Ramsey County
Saint Paul Public Schools
University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs and Institute of Metropolitan Opportunity
University of California Berkeley, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society
African American Leadership Forum
Alliance for Metropolitan Stability
APAHC - The Housing Consortium
Appetite for Change
Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance
Center for Urban and Regional Affairs
Children's Hope International
Community Action Against Racism
D-APAC - The Asian Pacific American Caucus
Everybody In Collaborative
Harrison Neighborhood Association
HIRE Minnesota
Hope Community
Isuroon - Envisioning Better Health Outcomes for Somali Women
Jewish Community Action
MIGIZI Communications
Minneapolis Urban League
Minnesota African American Museum and Cultural Center
Minnesota Black Nurses Association
Minnesota Tenant's Union
Minnesota Voice
NAACP Minnesota State Conference
Native American Community Development Institute
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change
Nexus Community Partners
Northside Community Reinvestment Coalition
Occupy Homes MN
Organizing Apprenticeship Project
OutFront Minnesota
Pillsbury House Theater
Protect Minnesota
R & R Family Center
Sewa-Aifw - Asian Indian Family Wellness
Somali Action Alliance
Take Action Minnesota
Waite House/ Pillsbury United Communities
Wellshare International
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
Northwest Area Foundation
Loom Foundation