Perspectives on European Colonialism and Religion
The research of Professor Saba Mahmood, a Religious Diversity research cluster member and Berkeley professor of anthropology, had her research cited in an article entitled "Why the French Hate the Headscarf." The author used Mahmood's research to explain how a Christian and Eurocentric view of religion has vastly affected the way religion and secularism is treated in various parts in the world. In the article on CounterPunch.org, the author notes, "Mahmood points out that missionaries shaped educational systems, bringing in forms of western-styled rationalism and ways of thinking about the world. Mahmood states that in the period from 1858–1914, the zenith of colonial power, every corner of the globe was penetrated by Christian missions." Read the entire article.
In a KQED 88.5 radio piece, Haas Institute Senior Fellow Julie Nelson was interviewed about the launch of a new yearlong training of Northern California government officials on issues of race and equity. Nelson, the director of the Government Alliance for Race & Equity, was in Oakland to kick off the new project with over 100 government staff from cities and districts in Northern California who have committed to the yearlong intensive work. Nelson explains how this collaborative, focused work on racial equity training is a way to leverage the power of government to lead in creating more equitable outcomes and healthier communities. Listen to the segment.
Haas Institute Director john a. powell was recently quoted in a blog post that explores how diversity not only brings together innovation, but also promotes creativity. In "Transforming Public Spaces: The Value-Added of Diversity and Inclusion" powell said, "Transformational thinking requires creativity, vision, and persistence. Transformative approaches restructure the very institutions and inter-institutional relationships that result in inequalities.Transformative solutions are those that produce sustainable, significant changes in society." Read the post.
In a radio interview following President Obama's last State of the Union speech, Berkeley professor Lisa García Bedolla spoke about the differences in the official Republican responses to Obama's speech regarding issues that face Latino communities. She compared the difference in the responses between South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Florida Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, noting, " I just didn't understand why they needed to be different...And so the fact that they were different, I think, was a political calculation. That suggests a level of cynicism or at least, I think, a level of disrespect towards Latino voters in terms of their ability to really know what the positions of the Republican Party are." García Bedolla is a member of the Haas Institute Diversity and Democracy cluster. Listen to the radio segment.
According to a recent broadcast on NPR, some big companies are moving to big cities in order to have better access to attract university graduates and other tech workers. Enrico Moretti, a Economic Disparities research cluster member, mentioned that this is reversing and old trend of moving to a city instead of a suburb. According to Moretti, this trend is playing out in several cities across the nation. Listen to the entire segment.
Wisdom 2.0
Director john a. powell will be speaking at Wisdom 2.0. The conference, which draws over 3,000 attendees, explores the merging of wisdom and technology.
Feb 20 - 22, 2016
Marriot Marquis
San Francisco, CA

Florynce “Flo” Kennedy: The Life of a Black Feminist Radical
Lecture by Sherie M. Randolph of the University of Michigan
Intro by UC Berkeley professor Ula Taylor
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Multicultural Community Center
MLK Jr. Student Union Building
UC Berkeley
Sponsored by the Center for Race and Gender
Open to the public
Wheelchair accessible