
Academic Engagement for Our Changing Times: Inauguration Day Dialogue with Berkeley Faculty
Friday, January 20
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm,
Banatao Auditorium (Wheelchair Accessible)
310 Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Many Haas Institute affiliated faculty, including our Associate Director Taeku Lee and Director john a. powell, will be on a forum this Friday to explore the effect of the changing political times on our work and priorities. What types of research and knowledge creation may now be needed? What policy efforts should we pursue? How can we best support advocacy and community engagement? What is required of us as public intellectuals? A Q&A will follow. Speakers include:
Kris Gutierrez, Graduate School of Education
Hilary Hoynes, Public Policy, Economics
Taeku Lee, Political Science, Law, Haas Institute Associate Director
Melissa Murray, Berkeley Law Professor and Interim Dean
john powell, Berkeley Law & African American Studies Professor, Haas Institute Director
Mark Richards, Earth and Planetary Science
Moderated by: Na’ilah Nasir, VCEI, Prof Education and African American Studies. More information.
A National Day of Racial Healing
The Haas Institute was one of 130 organizations participating in this year's National Day of Racial Healing in the United States. The daylong event took place on January 17, 2017 and was hosted by the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) enterprise, an initiative funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Haas Institute partners Government Alliance for Race and Equity and Center for Social Inclusion also participated in the events. Read the press release for the National Day of Racial Healing. Learn more about TRHT.
EITC is America's Best Child Poverty-Fighting Program
Hilary Hoynes, Economic Disparities co-cluster leader and Berkeley professor recently published a report about the effectiveness of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program. Hoynes, an expert in entitlement programs such as SNAP and TANF, published the policy brief for Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. This report examines both the direct and indirect impacts of the EITC on childhood poverty and finds that the impact of the program has been underestimate. Read the article.
Cluster Coordinator
The Cluster Coordinator works with the Associate Director and Institute staff to provide direct coordination, program development, and administrative support to both plan for and organize cluster and Institute project activities and agendas. First review date is January 19, 2017. Details.
Summer Fellowship
The Haas Institute Summer Fellowship is a three-month part-time paid internship (compensation is based on educational degree). Traditional and non-traditional students with educational backgrounds from community college to doctoral degrees are welcome to apply. Applications due February 10, 2017. Details.
Haas Institute & Tides Fellowship
The Fellow will coordinate post-election strategy, information, and research on behalf of the Haas Institute, and Tides Foundation by researching, collective synthesizing ,and disseminating information relevant to post-election strategies to further the mission of Haas Institute and Tides. Details.
Tomorrow in Downtown Oakland!

Jan. 19, 12:15pm–1:45pm
Citizen Engagement Lab
1330 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA
Silicon Valley: Can the Epicenter of Toxic Inequality Become a Model of Shared Prosperity?
Learn more. RSVP.