Hiring Research Assistants
Economic Policy Assistant
We are seeking a graduate level research assistant to support research on economic inequality and public policy in California. This may include research on regional trends in wage and industrial organization, industry supply chains, Earned Income Tax Credit policy, and minimum wage policy. Learn more on our website.
Finance Research Assistant
We are seeking a graduate level research assistant to support research on development finance models and community economic development. The RA will work on research related to development finance models as they relate to community economic development. This may include research on public/private partnerships, non-profit development entities, tax-exempt financing, and university-community development partnerships. Learn more about this opportunity on our website.
Communications Research Assistant
We are seeking a communications research assistant to support communications activities related to community-based partnerships. The RA will work on a wide variety of areas including: writing and editing newsletters, blogs, media releases, fact sheets and other communications materials; meeting with community groups to discuss communications tools and strategies; maintaining a spreadsheet of contacts; publishing/distributing an electronic newsletter; tracking media coverage; and providing reports on analytics that measure online traffic. Learn more on our website.
The Haas Institute co-authored and filed an amicus brief in a critical Supreme Court housing case that will determine the scope of the landmark Fair Housing Act. The case presents the question to the nation’s highest court whether the “disparate impact” standard can be used to enforce the Fair Housing Act, which remains the most vital mechanism for prohibiting housing discrimination and promoting equal housing opportunity. Read more on the brief and the case.
Related: In a new blog post, Richard Rothstein, Senior Fellow at the Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy at Berkeley Law and a research associate of the Economic Policy Institute, examines the question "Will the Supreme Court Annihilate the Best Tool for Battling Racial Segregation?"
PROF REGINA KUNZEL: In Treatment: Psychiatry and the Archives of Modern Sexuality
Join the LGBTQ Citizenship Cluster of the Haas Institute for a lecture by Regina Kunzel on January 23. Kunzel is Professor of History and Gender & Sexuality Studies at Princeton University. Her most recent book, Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality was awarded the American Historical Association’s John Boswell Prize. Prof. Kunzel is also the author of articles on the history of prison sexual culture, LGBT/queer history and disability studies, and the history of the criminalization of sexual difference. RSVP here.
Violence and Islam: UC Berkeley Prof Examines the Question
Following the attacks on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery store in France, UC Berkeley Prof. M. Steven Fish spoke on Decode DC to talk about the perceived association between violence and Islam. Prof. Fish, a member of the Haas Institute’s Religious Diversity Faculty Cluster is author of the book Are Muslims Distinctive?, "a scientific examination to assess how Muslims and non-Muslims differ - and do not differ - in the contemporary world." On the radio show Prof. Fish notes, "There’s nothing inherently violent about Islam."
Nearly one-quarter of U.S. wealth owned by 0.1 percent of households
"Forget the 1%." According to research published by UC Berkeley Economics Professor Emmanuel Saez, member of the Haas Institute Economic Disparities Cluster, and Gabriel Zucman of the London School of Economics, the top 0.1 percent of American households control more than one-fifth of wealth in the U.S. A surge in top incomes along with increased inequality in savings has combined to even further concentrate wealth among an increasingly smaller percentage at the top. Read more in Business Insider.
Poverty more deadly for black Americans than white, study says
Poverty is bad for our health. For black Americans, poverty leads to death at higher rates than white Americans, according to a recent study published by Prof. Amani Nuru-Jeter, a member of the Haas Institute Health Disparities Faculty Cluster. The study was most recently covered by the Guardian.
#BlackLivesMatter #BeyondFerguson
The collective and sustained outcry we are in the midst of reveals a systematic failure in our society as well as a transformative opportunity to build a real movement for change. Read Haas Institute and UC Berkeley responses to the ongoing movement.