A New Year of Engagement and Purpose
Director john a. powell wrote an address to start off the new year that reaffirmed our commitment to the work and acknowledged the challenges facing our country this year. "We must continue to lay the groundwork for the best future we can imagine now. Our work needs to be based not only on what is happening now, but also how we understand our past. While there are things we know, there are also things we need to spend more time studying in order to get a clearer picture. It is important we examine the past because understanding helps us make decisions about our future and the use of our resources." Read his perspective.
California: America’s egalitarian and inclusive refuge? Not so fast
Stephen Menendian, our Assistant Director and co-author of the Inclusiveness Index, recently wrote a piece about how California enjoys a reputation for inclusive politics and liberal attitudes but remains a deeply segregated and unequal state. These points are underscored by California's relative ranking in the Index report. His article noted that "more must be done if California is to finally live up to its reputation." Read his perspective.
We Can’t Meaningfully Integrate Schools Without Desegregating Neighborhoods
Senior Fellow Richard Rothstein recently wrote an article for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, using New York City as an example, explaining why school segregation is primarily a problem of neighborhoods, not schools. He wrote, "the most important service the proposed Office of School Diversity could perform would be to call attention to this history, educate the public about it, and develop political support to remedy NYC’s unconstitutional residential segregation with housing policies that integrate the city." Read his perspective.

Jan. 19, 12:15pm–1:45pm
Citizen Engagement Lab
1330 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA
Silicon Valley: Can the Epicenter of Toxic Inequality Become a Model of Shared Prosperity?
Learn more. RSVP.