Just Released
Second in our Series on Bay Area Segregation
The Haas Institute is pleased to announce the release today the second report from our Racial Segregation in the San Francisco Bay Area series. Launched this past October, this project uses in-depth maps (see example below) and data analysis to illustrate patterns of segregation within the Bay Area, with the goal to influence and advance policy and advocacy discussions on how to reverse these patterns. While Part 1 of the series showed the degree of residential racial segregation across the Bay Area for multiple racial groups, today's release of Part 2 contextualizes those patterns of segregation by focusing on racial demographics for different groups over time, and across different counties. Read Part 2 here and explore more about the project here.

Latest Podcast Episode
Desmond Meade on the Victory to Regain Voting Rights in Florida
In the newest episode of our podcast Who Belongs? we talked with Desmond Meade, a prominent organizer and president of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, which led a successful campaign to repeal a Jim Crow-era law that had banned people with felony convictions from voting. The repeal of the law through a statewide ballot initiative in Florida during the November 2018 elections led to 1.4 million people regaining their voting rights. This is also the first episode in a series of shows we're recording as part of our Civic Engagement Narrative Change project at the Haas Institute to highlight work people are doing on the ground all over the country to help activate civic participation. Listen to or read a transcript of the interview here.
Othering & Belonging Conference
Our third Othering & Belonging Conference is taking place in just a little over two months and we're pleased to begin announcing our amazing line-up of speakers such as Pulitzer Prize-winning essayist and author Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah, NFL star and author Michael Bennett, racial justice activist Linda Sarsour, disability rights advocate Haben Girma, interdisciplinary artist Brett Cook, Native American dancer and hip hop artist Supaman, among many others. We will be announcing all our speakers on our conference website here or follow the event page on Facebook to find out the latest announcements. Registration is filling up fast and space is limited, so be sure to register today for the conference taking place April 8–10 in Oakland.
New Book from Faculty Cluster Member Tina Sacks
In Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American Healthcare System, Tina Sacks, assistant professor of Social Welfare and a member of our Diversity and Health Disparities research cluster, exposes the human stories behind delayed or false diagnoses among Black Americans and the unique challenges Black women face in being taken seriously by doctors. Learn more about the book here.
Race—The Power of an Illusion
A public event celebrating the launch of a new companion website for the groundbreaking documentary series
First broadcast on public television more than 15 years ago, RACE - The Power of an Illusion has become one of the most widely viewed documentaries in American history, and it remains timely and relevant today. The series asks a question so basic it is rarely raised: what is this thing called race? Many of our conventional assumptions, particularly about race being biologically-based, are wrong, yet the consequences of racism are very real. Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 6 for an open forum featuring producers of the series and UC Berkeley faculty discussing the evolution and impact of our ideas about race, then and now. Forum speakers include:
• Larry Adelman, executive producer of RACE
• john a. powell, UC Berkeley faculty and Director of the Haas Institute
• Michael Omi, series advisor and UC Berkeley faculty
• Jason Corburn, City/Regional Planning and Public Health
• Darlene Francis, Public Health and Neuroscience
• Lulu Matute, Haas Scholar
• Victoria Robinson, Ethnic Studies and director, American Cultures Center
Wed. Feb 6
3:00–6:00 pm
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall
UC Berkeley campus
Free and open to the public, Wheelchair accessible, Reception to follow
All event details here
Feb. 20-22: Anti-Black State Violence in the Americas: Power and Struggle in Brazil and the US. This symposium seeks to bring further attention to anti-Black state violence in the Americas. UC Berkeley will host some of the most influential social movement leaders from Brazil and the United States—homes to the two largest Black populations outside the continent of Africa. Taking place over three days, it will engage with scholars, activists, and organizers from Brazil's Black Movement, Black Women’s Movement, and the US who have made critical interventions in the areas of law, politics, education, health, and cultural production.
March 1, 12:00-1:30 pm: "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism" with Anne Case. This event will also include Mahasin Mujahid, Ron Lee, and Hilary Hoynes. Location: Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley. Learn more about the event here.
March 17: "Public Forum: Stories of Migration." This panel discussion, which continues the Cal Performances partnership with the Haas Institute. explores themes inherent in the Dreamers project, including concepts of home; the necessity and human impulse to migrate, the right to move, and the right to stay. Learn more here.
April 2 4:00-5:30 pm: "Cultural Capital, Systemic Exclusion and Bias in the Lives of Black Middle-Class Women: A Conversation with Tina Sacks and Dawn Marie Dow. Book Talk
Location: Alumni House, Toll Room, UC Berkeley. More details to be released soon.
April 26 12:00-1:30 pm: "Children of the Dream: Why School Integration Works Book Talk" with Rucker Johnson, moderated by Chris Edley. Location: Women’s Faculty Club Lounge, UC Berkeley. More details on the way.
See our past and upcoming faculty series talks here.
Emmanuel Saez, UC Berkeley economist and member of our Economic Disparities faculty research cluster, announced in the Washington Post that US Senator Elizabeth Warren would be proposing a new “wealth tax” on Americans with more than $50 million in assets. Saez and his UC Berkeley colleague Gabriel Zucman have been advising Warren on this policy.
Discussing the impacts of raising the minimum wage, Berkeley economist and Economic Disparities cluster member David Card was quoted in a Financial Advisor article entitled, "Labor Market Doing Fine With Higher Minimum Wages." Card is quoted as saying that the latest research “results confirm the main findings from the stream of more credible studies that have been conducted for the past 25 years i.e., pretty large wage impacts but very small employment effects.”
A study by Rachel Morello-Frosch was cited in an article published on bizjournals.com entitled, "Who's losing access to city parks and green spaces?" Morello-Frosch's study found that access to green spaces for people of color in US cities decreased between 2001 and 2011. Morello Frosch is a Professor of Environmental Science, Policy & Management and a member of our Diversity and Health Disparities faculty research cluster.
Haas Institute Director john a. powell was recently interviewed by two US media outlets about his work on race and bias in America. He was first featured on the LIFT Economy podcast about how he became interested in civil rights and law, the role of government in making meaningful change, "white anxiety” in the US, and more. Listen to that interview here. He was also featured in a short explainer video from The Christian Science Monitor about implicit bias and how trying too hard to appear fair can spark further bias. Watch that video here.
Job Openings:
Find all our job openings posted on this page.
New Section
What We're Sharing & Reading This Week at the Haas Institute
- If He Hollers Let Him Go by Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah (The Believer)
"Chappelle did such a good job of truth-telling, on every subject, that nobody knew what to do when he just stopped talking. In no way did his quitting conform to our understanding of the comic’s one obligation: to be funny. To talk to us. To entertain us. To make us laugh. We aren’t used to taking no for an answer, to being rejected, especially not by the people who are supposed to make us smile. Especially not by black men who are supposed to make us smile."
- American Extremism Has Always Flowed from the Border by Greg Grandin (Boston Review)
"Why now? What brought about this moral collapse? That is the question for our times. My answer is that Turner’s “gate of escape” has been slammed shut by endless unwinnable wars; deepening political inequality; a venal, arrogant ruling class; and a realization, acknowledged or not, that the natural world is on the verge of collapse. Trumpism is extremism turned inward, all-consuming and self-devouring. It is what comes when the promise of endless growth, and the diverting power of missionary expeditions, can no longer be used to satisfy interests, reconcile contradictions, dilute factions, or redirect anger."
- State Preemption of Local Equitable Housing Policies: Mapping project from the Poverty & Race Research Action Council and the National Fair Housing Center