Feb. 2, 2022
On Belonging in Europe
We've just published two new pieces from our European paper series launched last month. The first paper, "Creating belonging for migrants through human rights-based narrative change," was written by Geneviève Säuberli, a human rights advocate working at UN Human Rights; and the second, titled, "Belonging in Berlin: An exploration of Syrian refugee-led organizations and volunteerism during COVID-19," is by Yahya Alaous, a Berlin-based journalist and refugee from Syria, and Evan Easton-Calabria, a Senior Research Officer at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. Learn more about this paper series here.
Targeted Universalism and the Racial Wealth Gap
In our last newsletter we told you about a new weekly essay series from our friends at Prosperity Now and Nonprofit Quarterly that looks at how the O&B Institute's Targeted Universalism approach can be used to achieve economic and racial justice. Since then two new articles have appeared, including "Achieving Equity Amid Difference," by Abigail Golden-Vazquez, and "Achieving Universal Banking: Lessons from the Delta," by Bill Bynum and Ed Sivak. Bookmark this page for past and future articles belonging to this series!
ALSO: Check out our new Frequently Asked Questions page just added to our website that helps distill the concept of Targeted Universalism.
The Fight over Teaching About Race and Racism in Schools
Nearly a century ago Tennessee prosecuted a high school teacher for instructing students on the theory of evolution in violation of a state law. The trial, known as the “Scopes Monkey Trial,” became a national flashpoint. In a new blog post, Assistant Director Stephen Menendian draws parallels between that experience and the conflict today over teaching about racism in schools, and what we can learn from it. Check it out here.
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Feb. 10: Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism: Race, Religion, and Democracy Feb. 16: The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom
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We currently have one staff position and two Berkeley graduate student researcher (GSR) positions open. See all our job openings here.
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