
Examining the World's Most Inclusive Cities
Haas Institute Senior Fellow Victor Pineda (pictured above, seated) has traveled the world for years as part of his work, but most recently, he was in New Delhi, India supporting global efforts to make cities more accessible. Victor says his research "explores social equity and strengthens evidence-based policy in dynamic city regions. It elevates notions of access, diversity, and equity within the context of globalization and urbanization. By studying the urban experience of disability, my research contributes to broader debates about social and spatial justice." As part of the discussions, Victor offered insights on the differences between the laws in the United States and the laws in India, and how critical implementation is to "have more unified meetings with legal experts and advocates." Victor's visit to New Delhi was well-documented in the Times of India and the Indian Express. A video interview of Pineda from this recent trip can be found here.
Book by Jason Corburn Fourth Most Read Book at Brandeis
According to Boston.com, Street Science: Community Knowledge and Environmental Health Justice is the fourth most read book at Brandeis University. Authored by Haas Institute Diversity and Health Disparities research cluster member Jason Corburn, this 2005 book "adds an important new dimension to the literature on environmental justice by insightfully and systematically examining how community-based knowledge contributes to scientific inquiry," according to Charles Lee, author of Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States.
Corburn is the director of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development. He will be the speaker at an upcoming event on "Habitat III and the Sustainable Development Goals" on February 17 from 12 noon to 1:00 pm at 316 Wurster Hall, UC Berkeley. Habitat III is a global UN conference on the ‘New Urban Agenda’, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—two landmark events with the potential to shape the urban and global development agenda for years to come. Learn more.
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Florynce “Flo” Kennedy: The Life of a Black Feminist Radical
Lecture by Sherie M. Randolph of the University of Michigan
Intro by UC Berkeley professor Ula Taylor
Multicultural Community Center
MLK Jr. Student Union Building, UC Berkeley
Sponsored by the Center for Race and Gender
This event is open to the public and wheelchair accessible.
11:00 am (PT) / 2:00 pm (ET)
Corporate Power & Structural Racialization in the US Food System Report A Discussion and Analysis with the Authors (A Webinar)
Moderator: Michael Roberts, program manager, 11th Hour Project
Speakers: Hossein Ayazi, research assistant, Haas Institute’s Global Justice Program; Elsadig Elsheikh, director, Haas Institute’s Global Justice Program; Savi Horne, executive director, Land Loss Prevention Project (special remarks)
RSVP to dylan@safsf.org by February 16
4:15 pm
Wisdom 2.0
Director john a. powell will be speaking at Wisdom 2.0 on February 21. The conference, which draws over 3,000 attendees, explores the merging of wisdom and technology.
Marriot Marquis, San Francisco, CA
12:00 Noon–1:00 pm, UC Davis
"Intergrating California's Climate Change and Fiscal Goals: The Known, the Unknown and the Possible" with Karen Chapple examines the relationship between California’s fiscal structure and its greenhouse gas reduction targets for passenger vehicles. Please register for lecture. More information.
5:30 pm
Dacher Keltner will speak at the Jewish United Fund Agency Board Members & Non-Profit Professionals Dinner on Thursday, Feb. 25, at The Hyatt Regency Crystal Ballroom, 151 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago. More information.
Racing to Justice: Achieving Social Equity in Our Community, with john a. powell
9:00 am
Methodist Church 6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA
This event is free, but tickets are required.
Visit http://bit.ly/racingtojustice to reserve your tickets.
FEBRUARY 27, 3:00 pm
Reston Community Center Hunters Woods
2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston, VA
This event is free but tickets are required.*
Tickets are available from the CenterStage Box Office or by calling 703-476-4500 (press 3).
5:00 pm
Ubuntu 2016 - Celebrating Community Activism Across Generations & Borders
Priority Africa Network invites you to an evening of thought provoking conversations, entertainment & vibrant community engagement you won't forget.
Speakers: john a powell, Haas Institute for Fair & Inclusive Society and Opal Tometi, E.D, of Black Alliance for Just Immigration & co-founder of Black Lives Matter. Moderator: Feminist scholar Dr. Amina Mama
For more info and tickets.
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Malo Hutson talks about his new book, The Urban Struggle for Economic, Environmental, and Social Justice: Deepening Their Roots.
Environmental Design Library Atrium. 210 Wurster Hall
More information.
Haas Institute 2016 Summer Fellowship Program Deadline Extended
Our Summer Fellowship program is a fourteen-week paid internship that runs from May 19 to August 18, 2016. Students and non-students with educational backgrounds from community college to doctoral degrees are welcome to apply. Summer Fellows are expected to work on one of a wide range of projects relating to marginalized groups and transformative change, and issues related to race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, and class. Compensation is based on educational degree.
Learn more about the Fellowship and how to apply. The application deadline has been extended to February 19, 2016.