Thinking Ahead Discussion Series

Feb. 9, 5:15pm – 6:45pm
Citizen Engagement Lab
1330 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA
A Dignified Retirement: Who should write the rules?
What can we do to ensure that in our older ages we share in the prosperity we made possible? Come hear Tom Sgouros and Wendy Ake talk about how we can rewrite the rules governing public pensions to tackle extreme income inequality and end racial economic exclusion. Learn more. RSVP.
Trump's First Week of Executive Orders Represent Dangerous Threats to Democracy
Last Friday, the Haas Institute released a statement responding to the first six days of executive orders and memos from the Trump administration. Director john a. powell noted that the set of policies represent "the latest illustration of what many see as a further dangerous slide into an authoritarian state which has deep overtones of white nationalism and neofascism. These are attempts to change the rules of the game. Our institutions, imperfect as they are, are being attacked... We must actively engage to rebuild and reclaim our democracy and its institutions." Read our full statement.
Feb. 7, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
This talk will explore debates over GM crops in Ghana, with a particular focus on the important socio-cultural and economic considerations that mark both sides of the debate. Moreover, the talk will examine how systems of knowledge become prioritized, how discourses of hunger are framed, and how US development policy is tied to the upswing of interest in biotechnology in Africa.
Engaging Contradictions Workshop Series
The Haas Institute is partnering with The American Cultures Center and the UC Berkeley Public Service Center on a new workshop series entitled Engaging Contradictions. The first workshop in the series, entitled Research Justice in Practice will be taking place on Feb. 23. Find more details here.
Haas Institute Summer Fellowship: The Haas Institute Summer Fellowship is a three-month part-time paid internship (compensation is based on educational degree). Traditional and non-traditional students with educational backgrounds from community college to doctoral degrees are welcome to apply. Applications due February 10, 2017. Details.
Committing to Renewable Energy and Equity
Haas Institute research manager Eli Moore was recently chosen to be on the Equity Committee for CalSEED, a grants program for research on innovations in renewable energy. The California Sustainable Energy Entrepreneur Development Initiative is a professional development program for innovators working to bring clean energy concepts to market. Applications are open to individuals, groups, or organizations with an early stage energy innovation. Learn more.
We are pleased to begin to announce confirmed speakers for our Othering & Belonging Conference. We will be announcing many more in the coming weeks—stay tuned by signing up for the conference mailing list or check the conference speakers webpage for updates. Registration is also now open for the conference and is filling up quickly. Click here for more information about registration or click here to register directly now.
Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University. Sassen is the recipient of diverse awards, including multiple doctor honoris causa, named lectures, and being selected as one of the top global thinkers on diverse lists. Most recently she was awarded the Principe de Asturias 2013 Prize in the Social Sciences. Read our write-up on Dr. Sassen here.
Kumi Naidoo is currently serving as Executive Director to the African Civil Society Initiative, an ambitious and evolving new initiative seeking to unite civil society across the continent of Africa around the issues of corruption, inequality, shrinking democratic space, climate change, poverty, and gender equality. A renowned activist and advocate, Kumi has campaigned on issues ranging from apartheid at the age of 15, to adult education and violence against women. Read our write-up about Kumi Naidoo here.
Masha Gessen is a journalist and the author of many books, including Perfect Rigor, Blood Matters, Ester and Ruzya, Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot, The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy, and most recently, Where the Jews Aren’t: The Sad and Absurd Story of Birobidzhan, Russia’s Jewish Autonomous Region. Recent writings include: Donald Trump's Political Prisoners from the New Yorker, Autocracy: Rules for Survival in the New York Review of Books, and Lessons From Russia: Verify Everything, Don’t Publish Rumors in the New York Times.
Rashad Robinson is the Executive Director of Color Of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. He was a 2015 EBONY Magazine "Power 100" honoree, and on “The Root 100” for the last six years. Fast Company named Color Of Change the 6th Most Innovative Company in the world (2015), and the Stanford Social Innovation Review profiled its strategies for “pursuing the fight for racial justice at Internet speed” in both online and offline venues.
Tarso Luís Ramos is the Executive Director at Political Research Associates. He has been researching the US Right for over two decades, contributing numerous articles and reports on Christian Right, anti-immigrant, anti-labor, and anti-environmental movements and campaigns. As director of the Wise Use Public Exposure Project in the mid-90s, he monitored the Right’s anti-union and anti-environmental campaigns.