Who Belongs? Podcast with Alicia Garza
In a new episode of our podcast Who Belongs?, Alicia Garza (pictured above), co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement and the principal of the Black Futures Lab, examines the role of identity politics in the 2020 US presidential election. "People say things like, 'If we just had a woman in this role everything would be better. If we just had a Black person, or an immigrant, or insert whatever identity, then things would be better'. But the reality is white supremacy can be carried out by Black people. It can be carried out by women. It's not just identity in and of itself that changes the way politics happens." Listen to the interview with Alicia here.
In case you missed it, other recent episodes of Who Belongs? include:
- Journalist Lawrence Lanahan takes us through his new book The Lines Between Us, and discusses the reality of people in hyper-segregated Baltimore trying to overcome barriers to opportunity and integration. Have a listen.
- "Mobilizing Hard-to-Count Populations for Census 2020" features Michael Gomez Daly and Sky Allen of the Inland Empowerment coalition in California. Episode can be found here.
Apply for Our Fellowships
Summer Fellowship Applications Now Open
Applications are now open for the Institute's 2020 Summer Fellowship program, which will run from May 18 to August 14, 2020. The program is a three month-long, part-time paid research experience designed to prepare the next generation of researchers and future community leaders who are committed to social and racial justice. Deadline to apply: January 31, 2020. Learn more.
2020 Atlantic Fellowship for Racial Equity
The Atlantic Fellowship for Racial Equity (AFRE) at the Othering & Belonging Institute is a semester-long, part-time, paid research experience designed to support undergraduate and future civic leaders to challenge anti-Black racism, the barriers to inclusion, and to advance the prospects for a fair and inclusive society. The fellowship starts on January 21 and ends on May 15, 2020. Deadline to to apply: December 10, 2019. Details on the AFRE fellowship here.
Building Bridges
john powell penned an essay for the new "Building Bridges Issue" of Yes! magazine, examining the Institute's work on bridging and breaking as possible formations in our time of heightened polarization and rapid change. john writes that "Meaningful bridging—like real integration—must acknowledge, respect, and appreciate difference as a starting point, not try to erase differences. Bridging requires more than just acknowledging the other but listening empathically and holding space for the other within our collective stories. This, of course, is not easy." Read the full article.
Institute News magazine
Online versions of stories from the latest edition of our news magazine are now available. Here are a few of the stories, or you can download the whole PDF from here.
News & Media
Institute scholars Sue Schweik and Georgina Kleege were quoted in a UC Berkeley Library article about the library's efforts to launch a scanning service to make materials more accessible to scholars with visual impairments. Read the article.
A recent Othering & Belonging Institute report on the history of racialized housing in the San Francisco Bay Area was featured in an SFGate article, "New UC Berkeley report details history of racialized exclusion in Oakland housing." Read the article.
A speech given by Director john a. powell on "Racial Equity and Economic Justice in Urban Planning Practice and Community Building" at UW-Milwaukee was covered by the Shephard Express. Read the recap.
Research by Institute scholar Rachel Morello-Frosch was featured in a Guardian article about the effects of fighting wildfires on health. Read the article.
Research co-authored by faculty scholar Enrico Moretti was featured in an Economist article, "A new study assesses whether inheritance taxes boost net revenues." Read the article.
Faculty scholar Michael Reich has been tapped by the city of Seattle to conduct a study to determine what the minimum wage in the city should be. Learn more.
Education scholar Christopher Edley, Jr. was quoted in an LA Times article about the ongoing fight to drop the SAT college entrance requirement since it has been shown to favor more advantaged students. Read the article.
Dec. 11: Film Screening—The Long Shadow. In this documentary, the filmmakers, both of whom are haunted by their families' slave-owning pasts, passionately seek the truth and untold stories of how America—guided by the South's powerful political influence—steadily, deliberately, and at times secretly, established white privilege in its institutions, laws, culture and economy.
Feb. 21: Medical Bondage: Race, Gender and the Origins of American Gynecology. This talk by Deirdre Cooper Owens, an award-winning historian and popular public speaker, and Associate Professor of History at Queens College, CUNY, will focus on her upcoming books that examines mental illness during the slavery era.
Feb. 24: Imagining an Ethnography of Pregnant Class-Privileged Women of Color. In this talk, Khiara M. Bridges, a professor of law at UC Berkeley, will draw from her previous work with poor, pregnant women of color to discuss how class and race interact with, and alter, one another in the lives of wealthier, pregnant women of color in the United States.
Click to see all our upcoming events.
Seeking Law Students for Graduate Student Research positions
Our director john a. powell, who is a Professor of Law at UC Berkeley, is seeking upt to 3 law student research assistants. Learn more about the role here.