🎇 Happy Holidays From the Othering & Belonging Institute! 🎇 |
Our team at OBI would like to wish you all a happy holiday season! This will be our last newsletter for the year. Onward to 2023! |
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Snapshot of Single-Family Zoning in the San Diego region
What we found is that just over three-quarters (75.66 percent) of residential land in the region is reserved for single-family housing. When looking at the average amount of total land (including commercial areas and parks), the figure drops to 39.72 percent. The findings are consistent with the previous zoning investigations we conducted of the San Francisco Bay Area, the greater Los Angeles region, and the Sacramento region.
It also finds that four of the 18 cities in the region we identified as most in need of reform are wealthier and whiter than average for the county, suggesting that single-family zoning has an exclusionary effect on both race and class for the region.
Click here to read this report, and click here to download zoning maps for each city. You can also view an interactive zoning map here.
Journalists: Find our press release here. |
| Biden unveils plan to reduce homelessness using Targeted Universalism
The Biden administration this week announced a comprehensive plan to cut homelessness by 25 percent by 2025. Notably, the plan will put into practice the Othering & Belonging Institute's Targeted Universalism framework to guide policymakers at different levels of government as they develop strategies to address homelessness. The plan reads,
"As the strategies outlined in this plan are implemented, the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness will work with a broad range of stakeholders to adopt a 'targeted universalism' framework that promotes a universal reduction goal with targeted and tailored solutions based on the structures, cultures, and geographies of certain groups to help them overcome unique barriers." Read more about this plan in this Bloomberg-CityLab news story here, or see the full plan here. |
Join our next cohort of Summer Fellows!
The Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley is now accepting applications for the 2023 Summer Fellowship Program, which will be held remotely. OBI's Summer Fellowship Program is a paid research experience for individuals seeking to develop their research skills by engaging with the Institute’s multidisciplinary research, analysis, policy, and strategic narrative work. The purpose of the fellowship is to build the capacity and network of the next generation of researchers and community leaders who are committed to social and racial justice by providing mentorship and hands-on experience with social science research. Deadline to apply is Sunday, January 15 at 8pm PST. Click here to learn more!
Berkeley students: Take a course on Bridging!
This course will focus on how we as interconnected community members can help bridge the gap from “othering” to “belonging.” Bridging calls upon us to imagine a larger, more inclusive "we." One of the ways we can bridge with one another is to engage in healthy dialogue which requires us to listen deeply. Throughout the semester we will examine the ways in which we can help bridge the gap between one another. We will learn from one another and the class will be primarily discussion based while encouraging a collaborative learning experience. Learn more about this course here, and email jessefoley@berkeley.edu with any questions.
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| Meet our new Senior Fellow, Yuria Celidwen!
We couldn't be more pleased to announce that Dr. Yuria Celidwen has joined OBI as a new Senior Fellow. Yuria is a native of Indigenous Nahua and Maya descent, born into a family of mystics, healers, poets, and explorers from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. She teaches Indigenous epistemologies and spirituality and her work pioneered the Indigenous contemplative experience within contemplative studies. Learn more about her work here. And see a new article she co-authored for the Lancet here.
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Last chance to take our Targeted Universalism survey!
Earlier this month we invited people who use our Targeted Universalism framework to participate in our survey. The last day to participate will be this Friday, December 23! The survey will help us learn how organizations implement Targeted Universalism and identify challenges in applying the concept. Your participation will help us identify and inform necessary strategies to expand Targeted Universalism in equity work across sectors. Click here to take our survey!
OBI applauds Respect for Marriage Act
In case you missed it, earlier this month we released a statement celebrating the passage of the The Respect for Marriage Act, which enshrines into law the rights of LGBTQ and interracial couples to marry. See our statement here. |
Using our research, San Jose takes action on affordable housing
On December 6, the City Council of San Jose, CA, adopted a policy to address persistent patterns of segregation and unequal access to neighborhoods where residents experience better life outcomes. The new policy will place more affordable housing in San Jose's well-resourced neighborhoods while directing a more comprehensive set of investments to its lower-resourced communities, guided by a report we co-produced with the California Housing Partnership. Read more about this here.
Pick up some of our stuff!
We have so much cool stuff in our swag store we know you're going to love! Posters, clothing, bags, mugs, and more! Visit our shop here! |
Othering & Belonging Institute, University of California, Berkeley | Privacy Policy 2022 Copyright © Othering & Belonging Institute. All rights reserved. |
Othering & Belonging Institute University of California, Berkeley 460 Stephens Hall Tel: 510-642-3326 Berkeley, CA 94720 United States If you no longer want to receive our emails click (Unsubscribing is not supported in previews). |