Applications for our 2019 Summer Fellowship are now open! This three-month paid internship invites students and non-students to work on one of a range of projects related to marginalized groups and transformative change, particularly on issues related to race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, and class. Learn more here.
Our 2019 Haas Institute Artist-in-Residence Christine Wong Yap is launching a project to collect and map stories of belonging in the Bay Area—and has submitted an open call for participation. Anyone with a connection to the nine-county Bay Area is encouraged to share their story of belonging. Project info and story submission forms are available here in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
In the latest episode of the Haas Institute podcast Who Belongs?, co-host Sara Grossman talks with Emilia Roig, founder and director of the Center for Intersectional Justice, a Berlin-based nonprofit dedicated to combating intersecting forms of structural inequality and discrimination in Europe. "We try to describe racism as a system and emphasize the three other dimensions of racism—institutional, structural, and historical—that have been completely left out of the discourse by focusing solely on the individual dimension," Roig said. Listen to the episode.
Director john powell recently spoke at the UCOT World Forum in San Francisco to an audience of Silicon Valley executives, journalists, researchers, and policymakers. Declaring from the outset that "tech will not save the world" john criticized the tech industry as a whole for failing to organize around the needs of people, and as a result, increasing social inequality. "Technology is being used to create incredible inequality. Not just inequality in terms of wealth, but inequality in terms of social position, [and] inequality in terms of status," john noted. "And this extreme inequality becomes fertile ground for right-wing nationalism, and we're going to see that continue to expand." Listen to his talk here.
Director john a. powell was named as one of 20 individuals who will serve on a newly established Solidarity Council on Racial Equity by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. According to the announcement, "these inaugural members are luminaries and thought leaders from advocacy, the arts, entertainment, business, education and media." Other members of the council include author Michelle Alexander, filmmaker Ava DuVernay, singer-activist John Legend, senior fellow Heather McGhee, and others. Their efforts will be shared in a global symposium in September 2020. Learn more here.
Hilary Hoynes, chair of our Economic Disparities research cluster, was featured on the podcast of the Goldman School of Public Policy, "Talk Dirty to Me," in an episode that broke down the benefits and limitations of Universal Basic Income (UBI). "I am not convinced that, if I could wave my magic want, that a true UBI would be the right thing for the United States," Hoynes said. "But I very much think that we need to provide more support and stability for out of work episodes."
Hoynes was also quoted in a New York Times opinion piece, "To Make America Richer, Help Poor Children." "A 2018 study by the economists Hilary Hoynes, at Berkeley, and Diane Whitmore-Schanzenbach, at Northwestern, concludes that since 1990, these Great Society programs have taken a hammering. Children in the poorest families have suffered the most, as benefits going to those families have been cut by more than 20 percent," the author writes. “We have evidence that the social safety net is an investment,” Hoynes is quoted as saying.
Research by Enrico Moretti, member of our Economic Disparities research cluster, was cited in an article published by Real Estate Weekly. "Berkeley Professor Enrico Moretti and his colleague found that New York, San Francisco and San Jose had cut their growth rates in half over the last 50 years by artificially driving up the cost of housing, ultimately costing the American economy one and a half trillion dollars," the author writes.
Henry Brady, member of both our Religious Diversity and Economic Disparities research clusters and dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, was interviewed on KCBS radio about the political implications of General Motors' decision to close five US plants, particularly for President Trump, who has long framed himself as a fierce defender of keeping factory jobs within the US.
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