Victor Pineda on Disability Rights, Urban Planning, and Inclusive Cities
Dr. Victor Pineda is a Senior Research Fellow and visiting scholar at the Haas Institute who is working to expand on the scholarship and research of the Haas Institute Disability Studies Cluster. We recently spoke with him about living with a disability, his appointment by President Obama on the US Access Board, and how we can create more inclusive societies for individuals with different needs.
When asked about the connections between our built environment and issues of accessibility and disability justice, Pineda said, "We’re seeing a multitude of national initiatives and real efforts towards inclusion, especially in cities. We are still only at the beginning, so much has to be done, from changing the mentalities and expectations about our potential and achievements to the changes in infrastructure and policies. However, we can already see the positive effects in the quality of the lived experience of people with disabilities in inclusive cities where, we, people with disabilities, can feel welcomed as equal participating citizens." Pineda sat down with us to talk about his work and the future of inclusive cities. Read the profile.
What is "Whiteness"?
In response to the questions, What does it actually mean to be “white”?; Is there a white identity?; Does it come with a set of benefits that others don’t get?; If white privilege is a real thing, what should that mean for everyone about how we interact?; staff and scholars from the Haas Institute offered brief perspectives that varied in depth and breadth.
I've been struck by how the current election cycle has crystalized the white racailization project in this country. It not so much about white people but about a politic of fear and anxiety that is aimed at all, albeit, poor white males are drawn to it most, but we are seeing that white racialization is not exclusive. – Olivia Araiza, Coordinator, Network for Transformative Change
I like what James Baldwin once said, "No one was white before he/she came to America. It took generations, and a vast amount of coercion, before this became a white country." Aside from the shifting meaning of whiteness historically, I would emphasize the following point. As the question states, "It is, perhaps, one of the greatest cultural benefits of being white in America: you rarely have to think about it." True, but it may also be true that whiteness is losing it transparency, obvious nature, and "racelessness." I think we should talk about increasing white racial anxiety and how it’s expressed in different domains—in culture, in relationships, in terms of health and well-being (remember the middle-aged, working class whites who are depressed and dying?) and, most obviously, in politics. In many ways, the rise of Trump and the shifting mood of the conservative electorate is all about white racial anxiety. The other side of the coin is the question of what white "anti-racist" politics would look like, and what does it mean to be "allies" to groups of color. – Michael Omi, Associate Director
Read more perspectives on our blog.
Sanders, Trump, and the Rise of the Non-Voters
In a new article in the New Yorker, Henry Brady, an Economic Disparities research cluster member, reflected on the importance of non-voters in the current election season, and how candidates are appealing to them. The article delves into what non-voters usually look like, and how they are targeted during campaigning. There are striking similarities between how the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Donald Trump campaign approaches these non-voters, and what those non-voters have in common. Brady examined new data from American National Election Survey, and according to his findings, "For many questions, the responses of Sanders voters most resembled those of Trump voters. They were the youngest, and the least educated. On certain issues—'xenophobia, racism, nationalism,' Brady said—they occupied opposite extremes. On others, the differences between them were slight." Read more about the uniqueness of non-voters.
Will California’s New Minimum Wage Law Make Sense in Bakersfield?
Michael Reich, faculty member of our Economic Disparities cluster, was quoted in a recent article about the news that California passed a $15 minimum wage statewide. While this increase could be very beneficial to workers living in high cost-of-living cities like San Francisco, it could be less beneficial to workers in smaller, or more rural cities such as Bakersfield or Salinas. Reich notes the issues that may arise when regional areas have different wages. Read the article.
Poverty and Access to Care Contribute to Health Disparities for Communities of Color
How does poverty contribute to negative health outcomes for people of color? In an interview with Tina Sacks, a Diversity and Health Disparities research cluster member, we explore the realities of HIV/AIDS rates among Black and Latino men, the differences between the numbers of people with diabetes between whites and non-whites, and more. The research looks at the federal poverty line, access to health care, and other contributing factors that disproportionately put people of color at risk for various detrimental health issues. Read the article.
APR. 12, 12:00 pm – 1:30pm
Goldman School of Public Policy Room 250,
2607 Hearst Ave, Berkeley, CA
The Renewed Fight for Fair Housing: Understanding the Past and Present Role of Policy and Law in America’s Residential Segregation
Why do many of our neighborhoods continue to be deeply segregated, and what can be done to provide fair housing opportunities for communities of color? The housing panel will discuss the historical and contemporary forces driving residential segregation, and how the recent Supreme Court’s decision in the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. case and HUD’s new affirmatively furthering fair housing regulations will change the fight for fair housing moving forward. This event is part of the 6th Annual Race and Policy Symposium, Monday, April 11 through Friday, April 15. Speakers for this panel, and the larger symposium feature Haas Institute staff, faculty, and scholars including Assistant Director Stephen Menendian, Senior Fellow Jean Quan, and faculty member Rucker Johnson.
Event is open to the public, but please register at: http://bit.ly/1REznZI
Sponsored by the Students of Color in Public Policy (SCiPP) and the Housing and Urban Policy (HUP) student groups.
APR. 14, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Hall, UC Berkeley
Doors open at 6:45 PM
Race and Policing in the 21st Century: A Social Psychological Perspective
Wildavsky Forum Lecture: Dr. Jennifer L. Eberhardt,
Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University
The stereotypical association of African Americans with criminality can influence actors at all stages of the criminal justice system. Professor Eberhardt will address how this association affects policing in particular, as well as point to some promising interventions that may mitigate impact and improve police-community relations.
APR. 20–22, Washington DC
Color of Wealth Summit
Registration is now open!
The Haas Institute is proud to be a national partner on the Color of Wealth Summit, which seeks to engage Members of Congress, Congressional staff, the media, and the public in a dialogue about closing the racial wealth gap.
APR. 21, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
ACE Leadership Symposium: Advancing Multicultural Leadership
Culmination Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Professor john a. powell
TD Convention Center, Greenville, SC.
More information.
APR. 22–23
7th Annual Islamophobia Conference
The conference’s theme, Islamophobia: Has a tipping point been reached?, is both a question for researchers and a statement reflecting the pervasiveness of bigoted discourses that problematize the category, Muslim and Islam in civil society. More information.
APR. 25, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Midwest Convening on Racial Equity
Chicago, IL.
The Center for Social Inclusion, the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), and Communities United are pleased to announce a Midwest Convening on Racial Equity in Chicago. Registration information will be available soon.
APR. 26, 12:00 Noon – 5:30 pm
David Brower Center, Tamalpais Room
2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
"We Too Belong" is a half-day, highly interactive event to discuss and share best inclusive practices in immigration and incarceration law and policy. The event will serve as the public launch of the Haas Institute's new publication: We Too Belong, A Resource Guide of Inclusive Practices in Immigration & Incarceration Law and Policy. Event is free but tickets are required. This event is wheelchair accessible.