June 4, 2014
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"We should all know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value, no matter what their color."
- Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

Artwork courtesy of Nate Williams


Our current Haas Institute newsletter features an analysis of the current state of global hunger and the food system from our Global Justice program staff. Other features include highlights and activities from our faculty research clusters who work on multi-disciplinary, cutting-edge research focused on issues related to vulnerable and marginalized populations; a full list of recent activities and events; featured publications and blog posts; and more. Read the newsletter here.
Our Underwater America report, which was released in May, continues to receive national and local media attention. A summary of the report and key press clips was emailed to staff directors of all members of Congress this week. Underwater America identifies the nation’s most troubled regions, cities, and neighborhoods with the highest proportion of homeowners with negative equity or “underwater mortgages” and reveals that the hardest-hit are communities of color.

Press Coverage Includes:
Atlanta Black Star: Homeowners of Color Still Feeling Effects of Mortgage Crisis
Huffington Post: What is Mel Watts Waiting For?
KQED: UC Berkeley Report Calls for Action on Underwater Homes
New York Times: What Housing Recovery?
Reuters: Despite rebound, minorities still hardest hit by U.S. housing bust
San Jose Mercury News: Underwater homes: Minorities still suffering from housing collapse

See a full listing of press coverage on our website and read the full report.
Michigan League for Public Policy"Dismantling Unintentional Bias"
An article on Director john powell's keynote at the Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance’s (LEDA) Summit on Race and Inclusion on May 21. 
The Digital Divide Redux: Broadband, Net Neutrality, and the Comcast-Time Warner Merger 
A new blog post on the Berkeley Blog by Haas Institute Assistant Director Stephen Menendian
Copyright © 2014 Haas Institute for a Fair & Inclusive Society, All rights reserved.

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University of California, Berkeley
460 Stephens Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-2330
Tel: 510-642-3325

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